「 01; New Gen 」

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November 27, 2021

(Actually, scratch that. Let's go to..)

October 22, 2021

Tonight, another musical competition will be held at the infamous Seoul Opera House. Youths at ages 15-23 will be able to join with a performance of singing or playing the piano. Grand prizes will vary from ₩5,000,000 to ₩10,000,000.

"Okay Riki, you can do this, don't mess up, you got this"

"I'm rooting for you! I'll be watching you later on!" His friend, Jake, spoke from the other line.

"Alright~ I just hope my fingers won't go numb during the performance"

The boy, Riki, will actually be joining the night's event with his decision of playing the piano. He learned to play beautiful tunes on that instrument for about 3 years already. This is his first time attending a competition from another country.

"I need to go now Ki, goodluck!!"

"bye hyung!"

A few beeps was followed as the older already ended the call. Riki is still reassuring himself that everything is going to go fine. He just hopes that his days of practice will be worth it.

"Our next contestant for the piano coming from SNU, Nishimura Riki"

The long curtains parted from each other showing the said boy. His fingers hovering above the piano keys waiting for the signal.

Once he recieved it, he started playing a quite famous song. A song about having a strange yet romantic relationship. A fool and psycho loving each other so much.

The music was hypnotizing people. It was beautiful. The way he would press down on the keys so gracefully that looked like it wasn't touching them. His expressions stayed focused yet relaxed; feeling what the song means.

It was about time the tune is ending and the music fading away from being heard. He took a deep breath and let it out in relief. Rounds of applauses were heard and the judges writing down their feedback on the rubric. The boy exited the stage and waited for the results to come.

"Riki you were amazing!!"

"thanks hyung, at least I have a bit of support.."

"don't say that! maybe your parents might be proud after this contest"

"yeah no. and besides, they're in Japan and I still haven't heard from them since"

"but still look at the bright side, I'm here for you because I'm an only child like you and─"

"hyung don't start on that stuff you know I have a weak heart"

"alright alright, I'm going to hang up now since the next performance is starting"

"okay~ love you hyung!"

"I love you too!"

After saying their brotherly goodbyes, Jake hung up on him and focused on the show. Riki was still in the waiting room with boredom creeping up to him. He took out his headphones and listen to his playlist while deciding to doze off for now.

"And now we will announce the rankings for the pianists"

Every contestant from that group has already entered the stage and lined up right at the back. Riki was trying to keep a poker face to hide his excitement and nervousness.

Everyone has already been announced except for the top 2. This made Riki even more anxious, waiting for the results. The audience has the same expression as the boy, but it wasn't that exciting.

"For second place we have...

Nishimura Riki"


── and the confusion starts

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