「 08; Painting 」

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"i think i like you Sunoo...

shit that's stupid, it's too early for this. i want to take it back. i don't even know if i─"

"the feeling is mutual" Sunoo had his heart going soft and his smile growing wider. He went near Riki and placed a small kiss on top of his head.

"so what does that makes us?"

"what do you want us to be?"

The younger stood up straight and looked at Sunoo straight in the eye.

"i, Nishimura Riki, is now certified Kim Sunoo's boyfriend" He said it out loud with a proud smile on his face. Sunoo giggled at his playfulness then grabbed the boy to cuddle him on the bed.

"Love, let's go on a date tomorrow. anywhere you want.. as long as i'm with you"

Sunoo told him, sleepiness evident in his voice. Riki on the other hand was screaming internally. Already using pet names and planning to go on a date. As the past is repeating itself, the older laid his head right on the younger's shoulder, his eyes slowly closing.

Riki felt relieved as he let his feelings out. But something in the way Sunoo answered his first question isn't making him enjoy his time right now.


The couple now in an art café since they walked passed by it, with Riki noticing. The boy loved painting as a kid. But he took that habit down thinking it was a childish thing to do. It would be nice to cherish those nostalgic actions again.

The both of them are now in one of the available studios. The room was full of paint and brushes. Sitting down on the two stools, they decided to paint in one canvas together.

"what should we make Sun?"

"i don't know.. let's use the paint that we have to come up with something unplanned"

The younger nodded at his statement and took the first stroke with a light green color. Sunoo continued with another shade of green. The couple ending up with a field of green.

Riki used another color, making the outline of what it seems like a cabin. Sunoo filling the shape with the same color as he was using. The younger looked so concentrated on their canvas not knowing the there was a small stain on his cheek.

"Love, you got something on your face"


The older then rubbed the paint which was not helping at all. Taking revenge, Riki smudged a bit of paint onto Sunoo's nose. They both looked like children at the moment.

"okay okay, let's stop and continue with our painting"

They were almost done, just need a little bit more details. They finished with the cabin and the background of the setting. Maybe some flowers would spice it up.

Riki painted some Rosemaries, signifying love and remembrance. Sunoo added Lavenders, representing devotion and serenity. Both of them finishing up with Salvias all over the field. The younger painted blue ones, and the older with red.

Looking at the canvas, they were satisfied with their work. A simple and natural composition. The couple went out of the room to get some snacks while waiting for the paint to dry.

"Sun, should we tell the school about.. us?"

"the choice is yours, love"

Sunki stayed silent for a bit, appreciating each other's presence. Riki didn't really know how he got into this relationship. It just, poof! happened. He's okay with it though, staying with your first love for the rest of your life.

As for Sunoo, he's grateful that the younger felt the same way. And it's not illegal to fall in love with someone different from you.


── "thinking of you" and "forever mine."

some fluffy time for sunki!! but about the flowers though..

plus, can you believe we have only a few chapters left before this story is going to end

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