「 10; Origin 」

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"dead?! Sun what the fvck do you mean?"

"Say.. would you like to hear a little story?"


November 24, 1988

Ending his performance, he gave out his one and final bow. Looking up, it was too late.

"Such a young boy..."

Waking up, his surroundings were unfamiliar. It was dark and suffocating.

"who are you..?"

"you don't need to know who i am, but would you like to accept my offer Kim Sunoo?"

The boy was even more confused. He's in an unknown place, this man knows his name and he's asking him an offer without explanation.

"what's the offer?"

The man grinned as Sunoo was getting intrested in the deal.

"Let's just see what happened before your soul arrived here"

With a flick of his finger, they were seeing the same theater. There, Sunoo saw himself performing. But he didn't prepare for what was going to happen.


"Poor you, dying after one of your best performances"


How did he die you ask? You see, it's a complicated situation. The boy stood there with a piano falling onto him.


"Then who is the cause of your death.."

Their view changed again, this time it was the same scene but a different perspective. A quite familiar face, a fellow opponent, a second placer. He was the one who planned it. He bribed the staff backstage to sabotage Sunoo's performance.

Another flick of his finger, they were back here, in hell.


"About the offer.."


"Ah yes, revenge. that's what you want right? I could allow you to have it. In exchange, you have to amuse me.."

"How do i know that you're not lying?"

"i'm a devil ofcourse! i can grant you anything, if you deserve it"

Thinking deeply, he agreed to the offer. Oh sweet revenge, all Sunoo was thinking as of the moment.

"All you have to do is to kill him and other people related to him whether it would be by blood or not, simple."

This is where it all began, the myth and rumors spreading. Sunoo chose this path and not going to lie, it was entertaining to him. Through the years, it became a habit and it's not only him who'll benefit from it.


Riki was stunned, he couldn't make a move now that he knows what happened to Sunoo. He felt betrayed and lied to, all this time.

"And you know, second placers are a bunch of first place copies. They are as good as them only that humanity thinks they deserve better than the best."

It became clear to Riki, he did want to get rid of him. Those audiences who were pitying the boy that day, the myth that's still here today, he knew why. The boy let out all his tears, trembling down.

"awhh, don't cry Riki"

Sunoo cupped the younger's cheeks. Using his thumb, he gently wiped the tears off. Riki was still terrified of the other.

Manipulated and played with. That's what Riki thought and perhaps it was true. Sunoo corrupted the younger's mind. That's why he's becoming more forgetful.

"...did you genuinely love me Kim Sunoo?!"

"i do love you, my Riki. wasn't that the reason why i spared you that night?"

Riki then engulfed Sunoo into hug, his heart feeling heavy and his breathing unstable. A boy in love with a human-like ghost.

"oh love.. i'll give you one last chance. you can stay here all you want in torment, or you'll stay alongside me for the rest of our lives"


i want to be with you.."

Sunoo showed a pleased smile. His arm wrapped around the younger's waist as their lips were pressed together.

Riki was still processing what just happened but responded to the kiss. His lips were sweet and so soft. They could stay like this forever, or not.

The two lovers let go, staring at each other's orbs.

Although there was a small thought telling Riki that something is not right..

and all he could feel, was his heart stabbed into pieces.

time of death:
12:09 a.m.
december 9, 2021


── i wonder what other special event takes place during December 9

and guess who's hands are shaking after writing this..

✓ 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐀 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢.Where stories live. Discover now