「 07; Connection 」

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What a boring day

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What a boring day. Here is Riki waiting patiently for the bell to ring indicating that it's break time. Though, to his luck, it finally rang and they all were dismissed.

Curious, he went to find Sunoo. He wants to know him more and grow closer to him. And no, it's not like Riki is going to betray him in the end or something like that..

"Sunoo hyung!"

Hearing his name, he looked back to seeing the younger smiles at him.

"oh Riki- what brings you here?"

"this might be sudden but do you wanna stay at my dorm for today?"

The older was taken aback cause of the younger's change of mind. He doesn't know if Riki is trying to joke around him but it seems genuine.

"uhm, sure.."

"thank youu!"

Riki gave him a slightly tight hug causing the older to widen his eyes at the unexpected affection. The younger let go and went on his way with his heart getting warmer.


[ My Jake hyung!!! ]

what was that? 🤨

hyung what?

you and the nEw stuDeNt



look, i wanna know him
more cause i think he's not
really what i think he is

i guess hes okay tho

and how did you two
first meet each other?

im not gonna talk about it

okay but remember
what you said about
him being a "walking red flag"

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