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*Nikhat Jahan*

Deep breath Nicks, deep breath, in and out, in and out, yes!!
That's an improvement compared to the last time you scared that shitty salesman to death for destroying my all-time-go-to dress. Now the next step is to calmly get down my Mercedes-Benz and ask that asshole not so subtly as to how the fudging hell did he even think of crashing into my most enchanting possession.

As soon as I step out, I can see my culprit trying to pull out his helmet and with a worried expression that has my rage rising tenfold. But that's not what caught my attention the most, the 6 feet something handsome hulk of a male specimen who should at least carry a danger sign placated on himself if not be illegal sitting behind said culprit left me in a trance. Recovering from my apparent state of paralysis, I decided to focus on the guy that crashed into my baby without giving second thoughts, he has some guts to have done that.

"I apologize for crashing into your vehicle but all of it can't be blamed on me as you pulled the brakes abruptly"
he said almost nonchalantly. How dare he? "What the hell do you think you are doing on the roads when you don't know the  basics of riding a bike? First, you crash into my car which I bet is worth more that all your inheritance combined and then you have the audacity to think you are doing a favor on me by apologizing!!" I roar at him which seems to have brought mixed reactions out of him because he looked half shocked and half enraged. I don't care either way. "Listen here miss, you don't get to behave as if I murdered your parents when clearly it was as much your fault as mine" he goes on and before I could set him straight, the handsome hulk I previously saw decided it was time he made his presence known by pulling the guy by his arm and whispering something into his ears which seemed to have calmed him down and then staring right into  my eyes before muttering a quick apology and asking me how much would the repair cost. As if he could afford it. I reply "Don't think you measly people could afford it, anyway I need to get going. I don't have as much free time as you" and begin my journey back towards my college not before taking a last glimpse of Mr.Illegal.

College was boring to say the least, I mean what could get interesting between a pair of glass-rimmed professors and scrawny students trying to navigate through the classes. The regular appreciative looks I get from the guys and scrutinizing gazes of girls continued to be thrown my way until I reached my  unofficially reserved seat in the canteen. My girls seem to be late considering they haven't yet graced their presence. Just as I was about to open my Mojito I spot Rida walking towards me with that bored look and sporting her collar neck tee with denims. She gives me her signature smile and gushes over my new haircut which includes the bangs over my shoulder length straight hair. "Oh, you are setting the fashion bar higher each day!!" She exclaims. "Come on ,you know I don't care much for trends. It's just about me feeling happy for myself" I say because although I have been called snobbish times and again I do infact believe in contentment of oneself.

"Here begins your infamous philosophy, babe I fail to comprehend why you would choose neurology when you have this irresistible attraction towards psychology" she mutters. "Trust you to make even subjects as complicated as medicine to sound sexual" I retort.

And before we can banter more over said subject, the bell goes alerting about the next class and we solemnly and with utmost honesty walk towards the next lecture, note the sarcasm.

When the college is done, I go back to the mansion which in all honesty is indeed a mansion. Dad awaits my arrival most days when in town and today is apparently lucky as I see him standing in the lawn with a huge grin plastered on his face that holds the capacity to calm my storms, gesturing me to come to him. I run as fast I can and embrace him  in a bone crushing hug, it's not rocket science to discover I am a daddy's girl, have always been. This man is that one constant in the seemingly changing world I am struck in. He is that bright star you can't help but notice even when you feel like shutting all the light out.

"Missed you so much Papa" I shout out extending the 'so'. Dad chuckles and squeezes my shoulders in that protective way  I have always known  him do ever since I was in diapers. His warmth is enough to assure me I can stand erect and unflinching to face all that life has in store for me as long as I have his back. "I know princess, that's why I wrapped my work a day earlier than scheduled just so I could meet you faster and here I am. Now go freshen up, let's have lunch together as we catch up on each other's lives" he says in his gentle tone reserved just for me. I smile back and make a run for my room to finish my business.

Lunch is just as I remember, with me and Papa sharing what happened during our time apart. As it is nearing the end, dad develops a somewhat serious expression while saying, "Beta, I know you like being independent in all sense of the word. I also admire your capacity to do so but will you listen to me this once and let me appoint a driver for you whenever you need to drive?"

This is not a shocking revelation considering dad is always worried over my safety, so to ease him I quickly reply in an affirmation. He looks relieved which confuses me slightly because it's just about a driver but then I shrug it off taking it for his overprotectiveness.
"Now take rest for a while and meet me later in the evening in our garage so I could introduce you to him, yeah?"
"Okay, Papa. Lunch was great, I am so glad you are back and before I find out you are going back again very soon, I want you to stay here. And that's an order Mr.Patel" I say sternly only to receive an amused look from Papa.

Before he can reply, we hear a new voice "That's pretty bold of you Ms.Patel  considering that you think you can boss around the Cheif Minister of the state with just a stern look!" And that's Uncle Sam for you,  ever ready to publicize Papa. " Uncle Sam, it's been a while." I greet and he smiles back politely. And that ladies and gentlemen is dad's right hand man, If one ever exists. Personal secretary to the Chief Minister. As they both begin discussing politics, I  take my leave and decide to chill for the rest of the day.

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