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I can feel the wind running past me and my hair fluttering in its aftermath. It's a blissful feeling. I have always admired nature in it's purest form. I can see Noaman giving quick glances now and then. But he more focused with the task at hand. Hmm, so Mr.Illegal is actually dedicated.

I close my eyes to feel the wind more and just as I am about to doze off in the serene atmosphere, I feel the car stopping abruptly. I look up to see what's wrong, I follow Noaman's gaze and my eyes widen as I see about half a dozen of Vintage Jeeps with four men in each. I can faintly notice them holding guns and few of them have have other weapons. "Noaman, I think these are the local goons. Don't panic, I will call Uncle Sam and it will be sorted with minutes."
"No, Nikhat don't call anyone. I will get us out of here. Just keep yourself buckled up and hold the dashboard tightly." It is now that I notice, he is cool as a cucumber. Almost as if he expected them to pop out of the dust. Are these people here to avenge him for something? I swear I am going to kill him if something happens to my baby.

For that let us first survive this invasion Nicks, which seems impossible. Noaman puts the reverse gear on and the car starts running backwards at a speed that makes it look like we are going to crash  into something. I can see the confused look on the goons who then begin driving forward in an attempt to remain close to us and before we know it, Noaman turns the car into an alley which I found out existed just now and the goons are as  just as shocked as I am with this sudden change and continue to go forward. I can hear smashing and screeching of tyres and i know they will enter the alley anytime now. Noaman quickly goes back on the same road and starts racing like never before. I turn back to see a few Jeeps have crashed into the building trying to change directions towards the alley and remaining are trying to reverse them to chase us back. A few that were successful in doing so are interrupted in the middle by three Police Jeeps that emerged from the alley. That's when I see Noaman speaking in hushed whispers. I gasp when I see a Bluetooth connected to his ear. Why did I not see it before?

"Who are you Noaman Ahmed? You are definitely not just a driver with the skills you applied to escape those goons?" I scream just as he stops speaking speaking on Bluetooth. He looks over me with a poker face and says, "You underestimate people a lot, Ms.Patel.
Even if I am not what I seem, it is none of your business." He look as calm as one could get.

My phone is blaring with dad's ringtone and I waste no time in picking up, "Papa, please don't worry I am totally fine" I say even before he asks me. I hear him sighing. I know he worries too much over me." A father's gotta do what  he got to do princess" he says and I  chuckle. "I know Papa, I love you". I can clearly imagining him smiling, "Papa loves you too beta. I will be back by midnight today" "Oh my God! Did the mighty Chief Minister just say he is going to visit this early after his last visit " I exclaim and I can hear him laughing on the other side which leaves a smile on my face. I live for his smile.
"Stop being naughty Nikkhu, wait for me, will you?" "Always Papa, Always!"
With that he hangs up and I turn to see we have reached home. I turn towards Noaman, "It is my business to know what shady business  my driver is involved with if it is putting me in danger. And watch your tone the next time you speak to me" I warn him and before he gives me a witty comeback I walk out with my head held high and shoulders straight.

Khala prepared dinner and I specifically asked her to make Papa's favorite dishes even though he is arriving late. I am sitting on the couch with a book in hand, waiting for Papa.

I wake up when I hear the opening and shutting of doors. I run towards the entrance and find a tired Papa standing there with a determined look in eyes and I know something big is about happen. He smiles when he sees me and I walk towards him only to be engulfed in a bear an I know I will be safe. "Let's have dinner Papa, and all of you are not stepping out without food in your stomachs" I say sternly and all of them nod with a smile. Papa treats his cabinet minsters like family and I know they are faithful. But then again we are talking about politics, it can change as quickly as the weather. I spot Noaman among them and my eyebrows furrow. What is he doing here. He ignores my existence like plague. He also seems slightly disturbed about something. I want to ask him but I know that jerk won't tell me.

I go towards the kitchen to check if everything is in place. All of them have dinner and the chatter flows swiftly across the hall. I was beside dad who was sitting on his head chair. Towards my left were the ministers and right across me was Noaman who seemed slightly out of place. I had a hard time controlling my laugh looking at his overwhelmed expression.

After dinner, Papa calls me in his study which means things are heating up. I walk in and Papa directs me to the seat before him. " Nikkhu, you know that you have always been my first priority after your mom right?" I nod my head even though I am confused why he is stating the obvious. "You have always listened to me despite your need for rebellion. Will you once again do what I ask of you, no questions asked?" He asked me so gently. I know it's something big and something I would never agree to it. But he is my father and he knows just how to convince me. So I nod. But the next thing he says snatches the breath out of my lungs, the land beneath my feet or whatever it is that you call it.

"Marry Noaman!"

That's the only thing that echoes in my brain and it must have taken a few minutes for it to register in my brain. He saw my horrified expression, that's probably why he stopped for a few minutes and then continued, " You don't have to remain married to him forever if you don't want to. This a convenience marriage, of sorts. I have made enemies during the course of my tenure as CM. A lot of them are out for my blood, considering as the civic polls for next elections aren't as convincing as the last time. The government is at the brink of being dissolved as the opposition is rising to power. I  don't want you to be sucked out of life due to my political attachment. Party leaders might use you as means to gain stability and my haters can use you as bait. The attack today was just a demo of the theory"

"But Papa, how can you expect a car driver to protect me from this mishap" I exclaim. I know Noaman is more than a driver and he would never tell me directly if I ask him. That's why I had to ask Papa this way to know what is his real identity.

" He isn't a car driver Nikkhu which I am sure you have deduced by now. He one of the best field agents of a security company that I would rather remain unknown to you. Don't question me anymore over this, beta. Trust me this once, will you?"

I know he wouldn't ask me of this sacrifice if it wasn't absolutely needed. So I take a deep breath all the while processing what he said minutes ago. I want to rebel and shout out that I won't marry that jerk. But all I do is nod and give him an assuring smile. It's not like I will be married to him forever. Once this chaos ends, I will walk away.

"Also, the Nikaah is happening tomorrow morning Princess. At our backyard. Your wedding dress is in your bedroom!"

Just great, anymore surprises left?
I know what I need right now. I need to sleep it off.

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