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*Nikhat's POV*

My eyes blink as the sunrays incident themselves directly on my face. I can't help but think if they have some rivalry with me. Always destroying my sleep. I roll over trying to get my hands on husband dearest. All I see is a cold bed on his side. Where is he?

I get up quickly and search for my phone. It's on his side table, oops sorry , I mean our sidetable. I can't stop blushing at  the thought of what happened yesterday. I have begun loving him. It's not difficult to identify that. I unlock my phone and as I expected there is a text from Maan-

'Good Morning! Sorry I had to go, there is a mishap at workplace. Will be back to you soon. Xoxo'

I read it and a lazy smile spreads on my lips. Come back soon hubby. Come on Nicks, stop daydreaming. You still have a get together to host. With that determination I dress up and get along with the day.

Its 5:00 PM now and most of my preparation is done. Now all I have to do is get ready and call the girls.
I decide to go with a Black sequined saree Khala got for me and a designer blouze with it.  Hope Maan likes it.

Looks like the girls are here. I walk downstairs and open the door. Ridu rushes to me hugging, "You are slaying it as usual, babe!!" She gushes. Then comes Anjum whom I was reluctant to invite but Rida insisted. I smile at her and hug her. Followed by her is Sania, then Rhea and Amaira.

"Welcome to my humble abode. If you need anything , let me know right away. This way Please!" I act out and all of them laugh at my antics.
They are seated on the sofa. And I begin serving the drinks and snacks. Ridu helps me throughout. She is a sister I never had.  Once we settle, the random talks begin.

"Wasn't he your driver before you guys married?" Fires Amaira. I try to keep my calm and answer honestly, "Yes, Papa appointed him for my safety under the disguise of a driver. But he works for a security company. Now that I think about it, I honestly wouldn't mind marrying him even if he was a driver. He is amazing" I  smile reminiscing about said guy.

They all hoot at my answer but I can see some fake smiles as well. I don't give a fuck about them. Sania looks around with scrutinising eyes and comments friendly, " His house is quite small and cosy, isn't it?" I can't keep my anger at bay as I try not to snap, "Yes, I always wanted a cosy house away from the chaos that life is.
And mind you, whatever it is, it's my house" I finish with a calm but warning tone. Just then, Ridu bends towards me and whispers, " They are all provoking you Nicks, don't mind them. Just let them say what they want to and get over with it. Don't let them bait you. Maybe this was bad idea. I am sorry" she looks down in guilt. I just squeeze he hand to assure her to tell her it's not her fault.

"What do you plan to do next now that you are married. Last I checked you wanted to do your Masters in Chicago University. That was like your dream college. I still remember how you fought with the college Dean who misplaced your submitting essay that you wrote to the college. Now you will be struck here only due to this marriage" Anjum says. Well, she is right. Chicago was my dream place.  I have always wanted to attend that University but now that Papa is in difficulty, I can't just leave him like that and go. It's impossible for me to go without Maan for a day, two agonising years is something I can't even imagine. So Chicago University has got to wait for a while now. But she doesn't need to know that.
So I just simply say, "Yes, Chicago is still on Anjum. No matter I am married or not, I am going there " and change the topic. The talks revolve around college and notes and placements after that. I am relieved they got off my back now.

An hour passes and now it's time for dinner. I was waiting for Maan to arrive but he didn't come yet . I had even texted him the time. I am upset.

Stop it Nikhat. You are not the only thing important in his life. He might be busy with work. It's fine. We finish dinner and the girls decide to leave. I am tired as well. I still have to wait for Maan though.

I pick my book from my room and come back down on the sofa not before changing the saree as it was too heavy. I wanted  Maan to see me in it but it's fine.

It's midnight by the time I hear the shuffling of doors. Why didn't he ring the bell. Maybe he thought I am sleeping. Aww, my caring hubby.

I walk towards the entrance. There is something off about him tonight. Nevertheless, I hug him but he doesn't reciprocate the move. Infact, he slightly pushes me away. "Maan, is everything okay?" I ask him concerned. He looks distraught. His eyes are red, he is either drunk or has cried too much. But why would he cry?

He doesn't answer me, walking upstairs towards his room. I follow him and at the threshold of his room turning around, " Where do you think you are going?" His rough voice echoes. Why do I feel like we are back to square one. But what the hell happened?

" Maan, what happened? Why are you behaving this way? After yesterday, I thought everything was good between us." I plead, "Stop calling me that. I hate it when you call me that. I am Noaman, just Noaman and about whatever happened  yesterday, don't get your hopes too high. It was just physical. There were no emotions attached to it. It was only  pleasure for me and nothing else. I needed a relase and you were available. That's it! Now get out "

I stumble back in shock. Am I seeing a nightmare or is this really happening. I stare at him in shock and helplessness and all he does is shut his door in my face. Tears start streaming down my eyes, how could he do this to me? I had begun loving him. I thought he is my forever and even had plans to contact Papa in a day or two and dissolve our marriage contract so that it doesn't become the reason for us being together.

Life once again played a cruel joke on me. I run back to my room and lock it, sliding down to the floor. I begin sobbing. How could he do this to me. Where did I go wrong ? Was it just physical yesterday? What about the care and admiration I saw in his eyes yesterday? What about the gentle way he plunged through me? Was it all just a lie? So he could get his release without me creating a fuss about it? Yes, that's what it was. He fooled me into giving my virginity to him . How stupid could I get? How did I for a second there think I can be happy. I have been cursed all my life. This is just a reality check. I hate my life right now. I wish I could give up everything right now.

So all you did was play with me Noaman Ahmed and I got played. How could you? I hate you! I will forever hate you for this.

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