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I spend the entire day in my room, inviting the remaining friends for my reception  and going through my insta. I got so many likes on the couple photos that I uploaded. Girls couldn't stop saying he is damn hot. Yeah bitches, he is hot and he is mine. Dare you think more about him, I will murder you all in cold blood.

Anyway, I plan to go all grand on my big day. Although this seems temporary, I don't think I am marrying again after Maan. He has already spoilt me for someone else. Just wish I had some of his attention.

It's finally evening time and I am ready in my blue lehenga paired with  blouse and a silk dupatta. All the make up artists have done their work for hours now like I am a piece of doll leaving my limbs stiff. I slowly hold my clutch in hand after they leave, giving a final look to myself walk downstairs . As I reach the bottom, Maan is on a call with someone and with his posture it seems important and it's not like he is going to notice me anyway so I decide to walk towards the kitchen without alerting him not before I have an eyeful of his back in the blue blazer and pants.

Just as I am about to open th bottle of water, my hands are taken away, Noaman is putting a diamond bracelet over it which must have cost him a fortune with his salary. I stare at him instead of the jewelry trying to understand why he would put it on my hand, "It must be expensive, there was no need for it. Thanks but I can't accept it" I say and begin to remove when he tightens his hold on my hands pulling me forward.

"Shhh.... It's our ancestral bracelet, mom is not here and during her last minutes she handed it over to me asking me to give it to the next daughter in law of the Ahmed clan. That's all I am doing." " But I am not the real next daughter in law of the Ahmed clan, am I? This is just temporary" I remind him even though it is pricking my heart to say that. We needed a reality check and that's what I gave us. He glared at me, "As long as we are married, you keep it. After that, you can give it to my next wife." He says and my heart stops.

I can't stop the tears as they flow once he walks away after saying that. Next wife? What the bloody hell does that mean? There is not going to be any next wife. It's me and me alone. So before he completely goes out of the house, I shout " Noaman Ahmed!"

He stops instantly but doesn't turn around. So I walk to him, pull him by his arm, hold his collars and clash my eyes with his, "There is not going to be any next wife, get that? It's either me or no one at all. You were mine the moment you signed those Nikaah papers and there is no escape from my hold. Tell your pea sized brain not to repeat shit like that again" I let out with fire blazing in my eyes. He stands there in shock and slight amusement. When the anger begins to roll of, I realise what have I actually done. I did not just stake claim over him. Oh my god!!

I am so embarrassed right now, and what's more he didn't even reply to me. With whatever little dignity I have left, I walk away from there.

How could I have been so stupid. Here he doesn't even consider me his wife, and I just told him he cannot have another one, a real one. I am so cruel. I just became villain to a lovestory that hasn't even started yet. It's official now, I have finally lost my brain. Instead of crying over spilt milk, let's walk out of here with pride and enjoy the function Nikkhu.

And that's what I did, walked out and waited for him in the car. When he finally arrived I busied myself with my phone. We reach the venue, and entered the hall hand in hand. People cheered at us. I could see Papa smiling at one end and I begin to smile too.

We have been sitting on the stage for hours now, recieving congratulations and smiling back politely when all I want to do is coil up and cry in one corner. Soon I spot Rida and other college mates coming towards me and I smile. Rida hugged me, " You are killing it in blue babe!" She exclaims and I laugh.  Kamraan moves towards me with a bouquet, handing it to me he winks saying, "All the light is dim before your charm Nicks!" He says and I  smile back politely. Maan puts his hand forward towards Kamraan who reciprocated the gesture but seemed to be in pain a moment later. He covered up quickly and I can't help but think why Maan hates him so much. Have they met before?

Maan puts a hand around my waist.
I shiver slightly as his hand comes in contact with my bare skin. He then escorts me towards the dining table set up for the bride and groom, pulls my chair and I sit up. He sits down beside me, and brings a spoonful of Biryani towards my mouth and I eat it owing to all the eyes on us. People cheer when I eat it. And it goes on until  my share of Biryani is done. I wish he did that because he wanted to and not because people are watching us. That leaves a painful smile on my face. I can't keep this facade anymore so I bend towards him and whisper, "Please get me out of here. I need to get home." He nods and quickly finishes eating.

And soon we are in the car on our way back home. I rest my head against the window and soon sleep consumes me. Before I completely fall asleep, I can feel Maan slowly pulling me towards himself and placing my head on his chest and his hand around my figure. I can hear his heartbeat which seems soothing. It feels like home. And so I fall asleep.

*Author's POV*

As the car stops at it's destination, Noaman slowly comes out to not disturb her sleep and then picks her up bridal  style. He gestures the driver to retire for tonight and walks into the empty house. Instead of going to her room, he walks to his and places her on his bed, her rightful place.

He bends towards her, pecking her lips, "You looked so gorgeous today I wanted to hide you under my arms away from the prying eyes. You were looking like a hoor (angel). You always snatch my breath away with your beauty jaana." He kisses her cheeks and proceeds to remove her ornaments. He stops when he sees the bracelet he gave her in the morning.
He smiles recalling what she told him today and then got embarrassed herself. Now he knows a huge secret, if he wants to get the truth out of her mouth, he just has to anger his Nikkhu, which is not that difficult also.

" I am happy you staked your claim jaan, I am yours, have been since I accepted you under my Nikaah. Just don't leave me please, everything else I will manage" he says and makes sure she isn't uncomfortable while sleeping.

Then he gets into bed beside her, pulling her by his arm, she seems to recognise his scent as she tightens her hold on him and snuggles more. Sleep finally greets him without much difficulty today with a sleeping beauty in his arms .

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