episode 5

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Pretend that you are sitting in the class full of people. Full of people who want to learn about things that sorround us. Things that make us grown, make us learn and understand. He was sitting next to me, very close and very handsome. His blue eyes were focused on the blackboard where the teacher stood and his mind was where his heart was, right beside me. His jacket is on my chair and my jacket is on his chair. I look ahead slightly leaning to his side, he leaned on mine and we both smile, when the teacher told us something funny.


"Open your books to pages 20-21 and begin the excersise that starts on page 20 and goes all the way to page 21. In completion of this assingment you will be partnered up; just the way you sit. Please begin." 

Preparing some samples on the side table beside him. He pulled up his glasses and continuing working.


"Ladies first, you pick the flower and I will choose its symbol cell. Each flower will connect to its symbol cell to create a harmonical reaction of polination. You know how a bee makes a honey? You use the same concept, except for using your nose, you use your hand to write down the flower's symbol cell. That's #1.

The elements has been used by samurai's centuries before we had time to make the first rocket. You can pick up a single sword with your hand, swoosh side~to~side and you get the element of air. Air sorrouds the sword making it easier to create movement. That is #2.

Connection between two insects is affirmative. I take two catterpillars hang them on the thinnest branch in front of each other, wait few days and when you come back you can see two butterflies in your hands. With two affimative insects, an element of creation is b.o.r.n. That is #3.

Reaching all the way to question 10. Measurement between two distances of sunflower and bamboo in the rain forest. Comparing the two together and we get two different spices. Sunflower yellow makes the seeds, yet bamboo is a good source of weapondry. Two see the difference you have to look inside, within and see what the mixtures it makes. Measure sunflower and measure bamboo separetely.  Measure the distance between sunflower and bamboom. What do two produce? Which mixture? Measure the distance of cornfield and all the way to the rainforest to bamboo? What do you get? That is #10."

How happy I am share my day with Minga. She is a joy to have arround. Together were were on Page 20 Question #5.

Our answeres seemed to connect with each other, but we each had our own point of view about each question. The class was very interesting. The teacher was preparing little jars and samples for us to try out and there were some microscopes we had to look through later on.

Mina is upsent today, her day started with early dabate, all the way to early compain. She has been busy all day today so far and later on she will join us for yummy lunch. I am happy, smilight and very glad. We are all present. Please, if you have time, join us next class, we'll be exploring the.....can't tell yah. HA HA!!! Alwasy yours, Chico.

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