episode 9

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It was a mysterious night tonight and I had everything planned perfectly for this night. I might sound a bit angry and lustful, but that's my nature and I sometimes can't control it. Mina really pissed me off today at lunch, jumping with a greeting like that on Jasmine? I wanted to rip her throat apart, but held back and let my kind nature be my guidance. It's a good thing I held Jasmine in my arms, she was very scared of Mina. Tonight, it will all change and I am taking her to this one place where only we are allowed to be. She is my pride and wonder, but most of all she will be my mate very soon. I changed faster then the blow of the wind with a black suit attire, nice car waiting downstars and perfect manners at the ready.

How lustful I feel. I noticed Jasmine coming out of the shower with her tower around her, she looked amazingly sweet and wonderful. With her wet hair dangling from her head and shoulders, she reminded me of one of those Japanese manga character with pointy hair. She walked into the closet, dropping that wet towel on the floor, taking completely my concentrating away and making me want her so much. I knew it was not purposely, but in my time, I haven't experienced such lustfulness in my entire life. Jasmine called for me, her body screamed my name and I wanted to keep it naked. She looked my way giving me the sweetest smile and there they were, the words of confidence throwing me way off my balance.

 JASMINE: "It would be amazing if you could wait downstairs and I came down to you like a nightly princess walking down the stars to meet her prince. Will you do me the honor of following my words. My attire requires a careful planning, Minga will be here any second to help me change, please?"

 She is begging, I am actually going to listen to that. To my surprise it was like a compulsion of a human itself making me get up from the chair and walk away as easily as if nothing had happened. I was shocked, amazing, still lustful, but most definitely thrilled that I could be that obedient. Wow!

 JASMINE: "Thank you. I won't be long."


 I was still speechless without much to say and any words to produce. I had a shock in my mind and it had to pass some how. Wow, wow, wow! I notice Chico walking down the hallways eyeing me in surprise.

 CHICO: "Are you alright my friend? You look like you've seen a ghost? Is everything alright, you look supper pale?"


 Still no words coming out, I concentrated with my mind and responded the best I could, Chico nodded and kept walking on, shaking my hand and giving me a confident look. We passed each other without much talk until I stood in front of my car. What is going on with me? Am I loosing my mind. Something is not right, Jasmine! Only she could make me feel this way, how is this possible. I am mute now, can't say a word.


 "I am here my dear Jasmine, let's get you ready. Have you decided what you will wear for this mysterious date? Can I suggest the burgundy dress without straps, yellow shoes and a yellow scarf." Asked Minga taking out the dress she was viewing from her hand.

 JASMINE: "I wish I could, but Teen Guy does not like burgundy color, I noticed that when I wore the a scarf above my uniform today. He kept taking it off me and replacing with his white one, so cute. That happened during biology class. I am still wearing it actually, I might take it with me on the date. I was thinking to wear midnight blue, sky blue or emerald green. Which one shall I wear?"

"I see, I noticed that too in art class actually, but alright, no burgundy. Let's go with midnight blue with silver stars on it, that way you can glow in the moonlight. It's right over here, yes its perfect." Replied Minga taking the dress and slipping it over Jasmine's naked body.

 JASMINE: "Wait, hello, you think I am that open with boys. I have to we panties or I will freeze. There, much better. Almost made me go there naked, thanks. I like Teen Guy, but I prefer dressed properly. Ok, finishing touches or and please no make up, I beg you. Mina wanted me to wear it before biology started, but I refused and nearly snapped at her for it. She begged so much, I had to change seats with Teen Guy."

 "Yes, she can be very persuasive. Don't worry, I will talk to her about it. You look amazing. Let's take you down, princess style. I already fixed your hair and the white scarf matches the attire. Love the whole mystery look here and when we get outside, you will be glowing." Smiled Minga twirling Jasmine around.

Stay tuned for more....Minga.

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