1. The Beginning of The End

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[[ Hello everyone! And welcome to the first chapter of many in my first ever written story: "The AvengerZ". As stated by the title, you will be Spider-Man against the Zombie Horde. This story has been mainly inspired by the original Marvel Zombies comics as they were the first comic book story I ever finished and the 5th episode of 'Marvels What If?...' This episode recently sparked my interest back into Marvel Zombies and I felt like my making my first book dedicated to that!It won't be comically accurate Enough talking, with that being said. Enjoy reading!]]

Suit (but with zipped front pockets):


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[3RD Person View]

New York City. Home to Grand Central Station, the Empire State Building, the Chrysler building and the home to (Y/N) (L/N) also known as "Spider-Man". However today wasn't like any other day, far from it. Today had a dark and errie feeling as (Y/N) was swinging throughout the city, from building to building. Then it hit him:

(Y/N): "Shoot! I almost forgot I have a biology exam today. Hang on, when does it start?.."

He unzips his right pocket in his red and blue suit and pulls his phone out to check what time it is. It reads '14:32 PM'.

(Y/N): "Yeah I've got time."

(Y/N) says in a calm manner, as he turns on one of his Bluetooth earbuds through his mask and his music playlist on his phone starts playing 'No Sleep Till Brooklyn' by Beastie Boys. 

(Y/N): "NO SLEEP TILL... BROOKLYYYYYN!"  He shouts at the top of his lungs, going along with the rhythm of the music.

(Y/N) hurries trying to put his phone back in his pocket and zip it up. He succeeds and thwips out another web that attaches to a building and he continues swinging, chasing after the Green Goblin who is holding an innocent lady in one arm and a pumpkin bomb in the other while flying on his glider.

Green Goblin: "So what will it be, Spider-Man?! Save one innocent life or save dozens?!"  The Goblin shouts crazily at Spider-Man, as he activates his pumpkin bomb.

(Y/N): "Gobby, you've got to come up with better super-villain dialogue. That was pretty cliche of you, don't you think?"  (Y/N) quips back at the Goblin.

Green Goblin: "Have it your way then.."  The Goblin says in a serious manner that (Y/N) hasn't seen in a while, as the Goblin drops both the pumpkin bomb and the innocent lady.

(Y/N) immediately thwips two webs to launch himself downwards as he slowly manages to grab onto the lady, who was screaming for her life. As this is happening, civilians on the street below look up and notice the situation at hand but don't notice the bomb that will detonate any second. However, (Y/N) manages to twirl himself around holding onto the lady and shoots a web-line to the bomb and yeets it back up into the sky, exploding near the Goblin and causing him to fall off his glider at Times Square, on top of a windshield of a taxi that was stuck in rush hour.

The AvengerZ  [Spider-Man Male Reader VS. Marvel Zombies]Where stories live. Discover now