4. Where Were You When They Took Over The Planet?

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[[Hello everyone and welcome to Chapter 4 of 'The AvengerZ'. I believe that if I type this one out correctly, this will be a real good chapter. Fingers crossed that you enjoy it. And no, I didn't take a line from Transformers 3 and use it as the title of my chapter. Just pure coincidence lad! And sorry for not releasing this chapter last week. School work has been pilling on with my exams coming up soon. With that being said though, enjoy reading!]]


The base was quiet. Too quiet. The shooting, the voices screaming, the death. It could all be heard as an echo from the outskirts of the City. Our group of unlikely heroes all laid down on their bed in their rooms, trying to get a goodnights rest whilst being forced to listen to all the people that they cannot save as of right now. While a few of the groups members seemed to not care about the death happening in the nearby City, the voices echoing for help didn't sit well with a few. Notably Spider-Man, Magik and Takumi. Whilst Magik and Takumi laid awake in the beds, (Y/N) could be seen hanging upside-down on a web attached to the ceiling in the kitchen. The only light that lit the room up was the screen of his now-fully charged phone. Scrolling through his music playlist that has helped him calm down in dire, upsetting or stressful situations. (Y/N) looks at a few song names as he scrolls by them, such as 'In Time' by Grey Daze, 'This Is My Time' by Lecrae. 'Never Too Late' by Three Days Grace and 'Don't Panic' by Coldplay.

Eventually, (Y/N) stops scrolling at stares at one song that manages to catch his eye: 'Iridescent' by Linkin Park. (Y/N) hits play and the music begins playing on his earbuds, underneath his mask. Letting the music play, (Y/N) lets his mind wander and begins thinking of what might happen when they get back to New York. Will they even be able to make a cure to this epidemic? And if so, will the world ever recover from a disaster such as this? So many questions went through the young and inexperienced superheroes head. One thing that (Y/N) didn't want to happen as well was seeing his new group of friends turn into more of the soulless and heartless monsters that now wander the streets of this vast and depressing new world. (Y/N)'s thoughts were suddenly cut off by the light in the room turning on, seeing Elektra standing at the doorway.

(Y/N): "Oh, hey Elektra!"  (Y/N) said in a happy manner, giving Elektra a upside-down wave.

Elektra: "I thought you were asleep on the sofa, Spidey. Do you normally sleep like that?"

(Y/N): "For your information, I don't sleep like this. And secondly, I was lost in my own thoughts."

Elektra: "So what were you thinking abou-"

(Y/N): "Hold on, lemme pause my music for now."  (Y/N) says as he turns his music off from his phone and puts it back in his pocket, zipping it up.

Elektra: "... What were you thinking about if you weren't sleepin'?"

(Y/N): "If this is all for nothing and is just a death-trap..."  (Y/N) lets his head go limp so he could look at the ground in sorrow, reflecting on the past few days.

Elektra: "Well, I for one, think this will be a nice way to get away from here. Even if it just very well might be, to our very deaths."

(Y/N): "Why do you say that like it's a good thing?"

Elektra: "I'm not."

This causes (Y/N) to shut up talking and pause for a moment, resting his hand over his chin and thinks about what Elektra said.

(Y/N): "If you think we're going towards our deaths then, why help?"

Elektra: "... I'd just like to believe in something again. Before I met you, I was feeling so hopeless about reversing all of this and just accepted the reality that THIS is the way things are now. Then out of nowhere, the 'Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man' turns up and despite everything that has happened to everyone in the world, he remains so cheerful, joyful and optimistic on the survival of humanity and how this can all be reversed to the way it was. Just like that."  Elektra explains, snapping her fingers on her last sentence to prove her point across to (Y/N).

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