8. No Sacrifice, No Victory.

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[[Thanks so much for reading my previous chapter. Thanks to all of you, this story has his over 1K reads, that's insane! Nothing else to say for this introduction except thanks for enjoying this. Without further ado, enjoy reading!]]

An old fashioned standoff. That's the only way to describe it, to be honest. Between Spider-Man and his group of unlikely allies looking to save what little there is of humanity, and the Zombie Goblin who dreams of tyranny. Ever since this all started, Spider-Man has been what seems to be the center of everything zombie-related. A lot of the other heroes looked down on him. "Just another kid from Queens. Let the heavy hitters go in and deal with this, he'll just slow us down." That's what they all thought to themselves when they first seen him. It seems like it was so long ago from that faithful day when that radioactive spider bit him and gave him his extraordinary powers. That day made his entire life turn upside down, for the better and the worse. With so much good and bad in his life because of that spider, these two and a half years have been quite a dramatic journey for (Y/N) (L/N).

Yet, here we are. It all comes down to this. A few brave souls unite to save everything they know and love. They are the only thing standing in the way of the Zombie Goblin and his plans. This is their last stand to save their planet and the potential multi-verse, should the Zombie Goblin and his new followers attempt to cross the rift between the matter of space and time. No do-overs, no set backs, no second chances. This is do or die. The fight of their lives, literally.

Green Goblin: "Why? Evennnnnn when the end of the world ssssssseems so certain, you always thinnnnnk you can do what is righhhhht..."

(Y/N): "That just means my heart is the right place, or at least I believe it is.."  He responds in a defensive fighting stance.

Carol: "Osbornnnn.. We have to stop thisssss. Listen to what the kid saysss, he can help us all." He can--"


(Y/N): "Norman, I know who you are. A father, a millionaire, a brilliant and talented scientist. I know the decision to become the Goblin wasn't yours... It was a freak accident and--"

Green Goblin: "SILENCCCCCE! You think you knowwwww me? It was I who languisssshed for these two and a half years, thinkinnnng nothing but YOU! NOTHING BUT THIS MOMENT!!.... But nowwww, the perfect tool for my vengenccccce is in front of me."  He says, pointing at Elektra who's eyes widen in fear at this revelation.

Green Goblin: "You left me down there to get eaten alive, Ssssspider-Man. I never planned on killing youuuu, but I will make you SHARE MY PAIN!"

Spider-sense blares at an alarming rate in (Y/N)'s head. Just as he begins to find out where the danger might comes from, the Zombie Goblin tosses a pumpkin bomb at the group of unlikely allies. Everyone didn't have enough time to react to the bomb. They would've all been blown up to bits and pieces if it wasn't for (Y/N) catching it in his hand and flinging it back at the Zombie Goblin. The explosion blast sending the Zombie Goblin off his glider and into the side of a jet.

Red-Hulk: "Ssssssspidey is mine!"


An angry zombified Hulk shouts as he leaps into the air and lands on Red-Hulk, engaging in a one-v-one with him. Soon, an all out brawl begins once again. Hopefully, this time will be the last time.

(Y/N) begins fighting the now-zombified Magik as she aggressively swings her sword at him. He dodges the attacks with precise accuracy. He back flips away from Magik's sword and lands perfectly.

(Y/N): "Magik, can we PLEASE just talk about this? Just you and me? Just talk?"

Magik: "Alwaysssss the optimissstic one."

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