3. Humanity's Only Hope

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[[Hey again everyone. Thanks so much for reading the previous chapter. I feel like I am really starting to enjoy this story. Also apologies in advance if I don't upload sometimes as I have exams to study for that will literally determine if I can land the job I want or not. With that being said, enjoy reading!]]

It was a quiet and for once, peaceful morning. The morning sun just slowly rising over the horizon over the City of St. Louis. The moon still visible in the morning blue sky. So quiet, so peaceful. No sound or any noise. Just pure peace...


The sound of the gunfire on the open streets below from a few survivors of the deadly plague was enough for (Y/N) to wake up on the couch he fell asleep on in a fiery but, unfocused manner. He panics frantically, jumping into a defensive fighting stance until finally, looking around the office space that he landed in. It takes the inexperienced superhero only a few seconds to realize he isn't in any sort of danger.

(Y/N): "Oh thank go- Ow, ow! ow.."

He looks down at his abs, noticing that his wound he got from the glass shard had already started to heal, thanks to his unique and one-of-a-kind spider-powers. However, it did still hurt him. Looking more at the blood stain, he decides to put the skin of the wound closer together and then thwips a web onto his wound to patch it up. Hoping that his spider-powers would kick into over-drive and heal his wound quicker. He shuffles over towards the broken window ledge, holding his stomach as he kneels down looking over the streets of the city. The streets being filled up with abandoned and broken down cars and trucks, windows of bottom floor buildings being smashed in and a few large group of zombies shuffling around on the streets, eating any survivors that were unfortunate enough to try and combat the living dead.

(Y/N): "It's only been a day and it has gotten this bad?.. I need to get back to the Avengers HQ. Otherwise, there might not be any hope left."

(Y/N) turns around towards the sofa from where he's kneeling and notices the yellow glowing cannister on the sofa. (Y/N) stares at it for a few seconds, realizing that HE is literally the last hope for humanity. He shoots a web at the cannister and yanks it over towards him and catches it with one hand.  (Y/N) carefully stands up, not wanting to injure and open up his wound anymore and puts the cannister against his back and holds it in place. With the other, he webs the cannister to his back, as if he was using it as a backpack. He looks over the now broken-and- torn-apart city as he looks over the people that probably were living a once prosperous and eventful life, now transformed into flesh-hungry rotting and decomposing monsters. (Y/N) lets out a small sigh as he unzips his pocket and checks to see if his phone is still on.

It is. No signal though. (Y/N) does a little eye roll underneath his mask as he looks at the time and sees that it's 8:17 AM. One thing about it catches his attention, was not the fact that his battery was now on 26% but it was the fact that he noticed that the date on his phone has changed. According to the date and time on his phone, (Y/N) had been asleep for 3 days straight.

(Y/N): "Hey, a guy has gotta sleep during the apocalypse somehow."  He says to himself, realizing how much time has been wasted from how long his body forced him to sleep for.

Bringing his thoughts back to the task at hand, he had to somehow find a way to contact the rest of the Avengers or any of the superheroes so he could deliver the cannister to them. Remembering his phone has no signal, (Y/N) decides to explore the city of St. Louis. (Y/N) turns his phone on standby, puts it back in his pocket and zips it up. (Y/N) aims his right arm out and shoots a web-line at a building and begins swinging throughout the city. Looking down as he web-swings, he looks down at all the poor people who lost their lives and became one with the 'Army of the Dead'. This causes (Y/N)'s mind to wander as he begins to think to himself 'What if the rest of superheroes have also become zombies? Am I the last non-infected superhero in the world? Are there any other people still alive like me? Is my family okay? I wonder how my friends are?'. The numerous thoughts went on in his head until (Y/N)'s spidey-sense started going off. He lets go of his web and lands on the side of a nearby building.

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