5. It's Your Responsibility Now.

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[[Before this chapter begins, I would like to apologize on my hiatus on this book. School has recently been mental and I couldn't find the time to make this chapter. Hopefully this won't happen again. With my apology out of the way, enjoy reading!]]

Black clouds began to cover the sky of New York City as rain began to pour down on the city. Lightning and thunder could be heard in the distance and (Y/N) could be seen sitting on the ledge of the building they all crashed on, looking over the ruined city. He thought back to the times where he would just be the 'Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man', helping people cross the street, giving tourists directions, stopping an armed robbery or two. All those things seemed like it was so long ago even though, it was only a few days ago. Too much has happened in the past few days. Even though it was only 3:05 P.M, the dark and gloomy clouds that poured rain down made it seem as if it were after sunset. The only thing that was providing any other light was the glowing cannister still attached to (Y/N)'s back.

Rain continued to pour down as Elektra, Magik and Takumi all went over and sat down on the ledge next to (Y/N). None of them said a word to each other, they all knew what they were feeling. The feeling of grief. Everyone deals with it in their own way, whether it be by themselves in their rooms or hiding the pain by putting on a fake smile until the pain heals. (Y/N) continued to look on at the ruined city until he finally spoke up:

(Y/N): "It's my fault he's gone. I had the power... to stop him from-" He couldn't finish his sentence before breaking down in tears, trying to collect himself. Elektra and Takumi stared on at the grieving Spider-Man while Magik decides to try and comfort him. She pulls Spider-Man into a gentle hug, his head turning to her and laying against her shoulder as she puts her sword down.

Magik: "I-It's not... your fault. Don't think like that... He wouldn't want you to think like that."

(Y/N): "But it IS my fault. I had the power to stop him from dying but I-... I-I froze up, I didn't know what.. to do..." He struggled to get the words out of his mouth, the tears rolling down his face blending in with the rain that was pouring.

Elektra and Takumi looked on, with sorrow in their eyes. Magik hugs him tighter, letting him know through the hug to not think this way.

(Y/N): "I'm responsible..."

Elektra: "We're all responsible, Spider-Man.. We all had the chance to stop it. It wasn't just you..."

(Y/N): "You don't understand! The whole point of me being Spider-Man, is so that I can save everyone's lives. No matter the cost, no matter how much the odds are stacked against me, no matter how I'm portrayed by people, no matter how people see me as. I always... have to step up and do the right thing. I couldn't do that tonight..."

Not a word was said from anyone that was sitting on the ledge until: Bang. A gunshot was heard from behind the group, however none of them turned their heads around to see what happened behind them. Blade and Nikolai walk over to the others after putting down a zombified Mason like he was just a dog, with Punisher following suit after coming out of the stairwell where he said he had to make one last phone call. No emotion was shown from the three guys as they approach the group.

(Y/N): "Now?... Heh. N-Now I have the one thing. THE ONE THING!... that could 'potentially' save us from certain death. Everything that has happened to the world, to it's people, to it's heroes. It's all my responsibility now. My responsibility! ME! A seventeen year old who is getting ready to go to college and trying to live a normal life an-and now I have the fate of the world on my shoulders? I-I just don't know... I just don't know if I can handle such a.. large amount of responsibility. You know?..."

Blade: "Your damn right it's your responsibility. Now, act like the man people think you are and let's kill every single one of them."

(Y/N) turns his head around with a small tear streaming down his cheek, looking up at Blade who seems to be more bothered by how (Y/N) is dealing with the death of Mason rather than how he can save what is left of the world.

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