7. This Is Not War, It's Human Extinction.

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[[Just wanted to say thank you so much for reading the last chapter and I've made the decision that any stories I make later on down the line will either be set in "The AvengerZ" universe or in it's own universe. I've also decided to give names to the universe that will be created from my stories so in case I wanna do a multi-verse event.]]

[[For this story however, the universe that "The AvengerZ" is set in will now be referred to as "Earth-1816". I will use any unused dimension number from the Marvel Multiverse and use them to describe my future stories. With that said, time for Chapter 7. Hope you all enjoy!!]]

Nick Fury: "Human extinction? Gimme a fuckin' break, kid."

(Y/N): "NO! I'm not kidding Nicolas! This is HUGE!! You need to act now before--"

Nick Fury: "You got some guts..."  He'd say, staring into (Y/N)'s soul with his one-eye while being serious all of a sudden.

(Y/N): "Umm... Thank you? Why uh- What makes you say that?"

Nick Fury: "No one ever talks to me by the entirety of my first name."

(Y/N): "Oh... Well, I mean- Ah- If it makes you feel uncomfortable, I could always... I messed up, didn't I?"

Nick Fury: "Don't envoke that name, you hear me kid?"

(Y/N): "HEY! I'm not a kid! I'm seventeen, nearly eighteen."

Nick Fury: "You think that gives you authority over me on MY helicarrier?"

(Y/N): "I don't care about authority, Fury! They're coming here as we speak and all you wanna do is argue?!"

Nick Fury: "Kid, I know the last couple of days have made you a train wreck but you need to settle down right--"


Cloak: "Wait, what's goin' on here?"

Nick Fury: "This kid is way in over his head, THAT'S what's happening here!"

(Y/N): "Fury, you know about my powers. What they can do. When the tingly thing goes off in my head, it--"

Nick Fury: "Yeah, your spider-sense."

(Y/N): "Um, yeah. That. Anyways when that goes off in my head, it means we're in danger. We need to be prepared! I'm telling you!"

Nick Fury: "So you want me to listen to the little do-hicky thing in your brain?.."  He'd say, folding his arms.

(Y/N): "Exactly!"  The mechanical eyes widened in excitement.

Nick Fury: "NO! In case you forgot, kid. I have families on board, REFUGEES! I will not make the last safe place on Earth into a warzone!"

(Y/N)'s mechanical eyes under his mask squints in anger at Fury's response. He knows their all coming and Fury is too stubborn to realize it. He finally has enough of Fury's nonsense.


Nick Fury sighs in frustration at Spidey being relentless on this. He seemed so sure that all of the super-powered undead cannibals were on their way to them right now. The amount of zombified supers that could be on their way right now, whether they used to be good or bad before all of this started; it didn't matter. Zombie Sabretooth, Zombie Daredevil, Zombie Storm, Zombie Ant-Man, Zombie Hawkeye, Zombie Gambit, Zombie Juggernaut, Zombie Abomination. The list goes on and on. Nick knew he had to be alert for the sake of humanity. He's about to let Spider-Man know what he thinks he should do but Elektra chimes in.

Elektra: "Even though he sounds pretty crazy right now, he's right."

Nick Fury: "Excuse me?"

Magik: "What she means is, everything he says is right. Sure, he looks like a mentally-deranged hormonal teenager in red and blue spandex but he's right. That little sense thing in his head has saved us all more times than I can count. If it wasn't for that, we'd all be dead. TL;DR Fury? Listen to what the kid says."

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