2. A Suicide Mission

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[[Hiya readers! Thanks for reading the first chapter of "The AvengerZ". Currently as of making this chapter, it is #5 on 'hot' in the Marvel Zombies tag. Thank you so much for reading and again, feedback and criticism is always appreciated. With that being said, enjoy reading!]]


The sun lowers over the horizon as it begins to mark off the first day of the Zombie Apocalypse. (Y/N) stares outside a window in the Quinjet, resting his head on his arms, going over everything that has happened in the past couple of hours. (Y/N) looks around to make sure no one is gonna distract him as he turns on his music playlist on his phone. 'One More Light' by Linkin Park begins playing on his earbuds underneath his mask. (Y/N) continues looking out upon the horizon, hoping that his friends and family are okay and haven't become one with the zombie horde. (Y/N) closes his eyes for a bit and eventually drifts off to sleep in his seat...

Wolverine: "We're here!"  He shouts to everyone in the back of the Quinjet, getting everyone's attention except (Y/N)'s as his music playing in his ears blocked out his surroundings as he continued to sleep, as if nothing had happened in the past couple of hours.

Iron Man notices that (Y/N) is still sleeping in his seat and then shines a bright light from the tip of his finger at him, causing him to wake up half-asleep.

(Y/N): "Whaa? Wha'z goin' on?"

Iron Man: "C'mon Spidey, we need you in the here and now."

(Y/N): "Huh- OH! Yes, right!"  He says in realization as he jumps up out of his seat and unzips his pocket to turn off his music playlist on his phone which coincidentally, was playing 'Don't Panic' by Coldplay. Also realizing that is night time and the sky is pitch black now.

(Y/N) and Iron Man walk up to the cockpit with the rest of the team as Bruce flies the Quinjet over the mass amount of dead Alien bodies. Hills upon hills of decomposing corpses. It was enough to make almost every vomit, except Wolverine.

Wolverine: "This is weak compared to what I've seen bubs.."

Storm: "Logan, now is not the time to be doing comparisons. The world needs our help."

Wolverine: "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

Bruce slows the jet down and activates hover-mode on a empty patch in in the middle of the hills of Alien corpses.

Bruce: "We made it. Now before we set foot out there... Does anyone wanna count themselves out? Because now's the time."

Not a word was said by any of the members. (Y/N) had a think about it but ultimately, he knew where his responsibility stood right now.

Bruce: "Okay, I'll land her now."

The Quinjet lands on the sandy surface, blowing away a bunch of sand particles inside the already decomposing corpses. Activating its flood lights all around, the hangar bay door opens up and the team walks out onto the sandy landscape. Looking around at their surroundings at the countless bodies from the Invasion they fought off years ago.

Cap: "Jesus..."

Iron Man: "Jesus had nothing to do with it, Mr. Democracy."

(Y/N): "The smell is worse than being thrown into the sewer system in New York.."

Storm: "Oh thank god, I legit thought that smell was from the kid."

(Y/N): "Is that seriously how little you think of me?"

The AvengerZ  [Spider-Man Male Reader VS. Marvel Zombies]Where stories live. Discover now