Chapter 2

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The next morning Hermione sat at the breakfast table nose buried in a book she'd come across earlier this morning. Last night she'd lost track of time and after her little outburst her and Bella began having a little chat and Narcissa was right, the woman was just a big softie. A smile graced the girl's lips as the memory of last night replayed in her mind, she'd said something that made the dark witch chuckle, and Hermione couldn't figure out why but she found herself liking the way she chuckled and the happy throaty sound that left the woman's lips.

"What are you grinning at?" Draco asks as he enters the room taking his seat beside Hermione.
"Oh just something I read." She smiles closing the book.
"So what are the plans for today?" She asks the blonde haired boy.
He shrugs, "what do you want to do?"
"What can we do?"
"Anything."  Draco said as his mother entered followed by his father.
"What are you pair discussing then?" Narcissa smiles taking her seat opposite Draco and next to her husband.
"What to do." Hermione smiles.
"Oh good morning by the way." The young witch adds reaching for her water.
"Good morning to you too Hermione." Narcissa nods, and Lucius greeted them both too.
"There's so much you both could do, Draco why don't you and Hermione go for a spin on the new brooms." His father said.
"We could I guess, what do you say Granger, fancy going for a fly?"
"Sounds like a plan."

"Apollo don't you dare!" Came the voice of Bella as the little creature came dashing through the door at full speed and skidded as he tried to stop before crashing into the table leg.
"Idiot." Bella rolls her eyes as she enters the hall, she made her way to the creature and picked him up checking his little head.
"I've told you about running so fast." She sighs carrying him to her seat opposite Hermione.
She wore a knee length black dress with her hair flowing loosely down her back. She had black heels on that could be heard before she entered.
Hermione glances at the woman as she took her seat.
"Good morning." She said to the group who all responded the same.
"So what are your plans for the day, I hope my nephew takes you somewhere fun." Bella smiles glancing at her nephew before returning her attention back to Hermione.

"Oh we're going to go flying, I don't know where though."
"We could go over the lake, get a chance to see the fish jumping out of the water too." Draco suggests looking at Hermione.
"As long as you're careful, don't fancy finding out my Nephew and his friend drowned."
"Gee thanks Auntie." Draco looks to his aunt.

"What about you?" Hermione asks as the food appeared on the table.
"Oh no plans here, I'll probably just read or something. What about you pair?" Bella glances to her sister.
"Well Lucius has a meeting with a few of his friends, and I've got a meeting with the ladies from my social club." Bellatrix rolls her eyes she should of known Narcissa would be off with those annoying women.

"Won't you join me this morning Bella?" She turns to her sister.
"No, I don't like them and you know that."
"You really should get out and socialise, and this is the perfect opportunity."
"With all due respect Cissy dear, I'd rather have pins and stick them in my ears than listen to those miserable stuck up women who you call friends." Bella picks up her fork.
"You know, you really don't help yourself." Narcissa sighs.
"Thank you." Bella said bringing a piece of scrambled egg to her mouth.
"That was not a compliment." Narcissa said.
"I don't care." Bella responds.


"Draco, maybe we should ask if you're aunt wants to join us." Hermione looks to the boy.
"Oh I already did, I forgot to tell you." Draco smiles.
"She doesn't like flying though so she'll probably just sit and watch or read a book." He shrugs grabbing his jacket.
"I've got a little picnic just in case we're hungry." The woman herself smiles as she walks towards them carrying a wicker basket.
"Oh, you don't mind Hermione do you?" Bella glances at the girl.
"Course not, I actually just told Draco to invite you, I didn't know he already had." She smiles.
"Oh good, and don't worry I won't intervene on your flying, I don't particularly care for it myself."

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