The vixen

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Her cheeks went an even brighter pink to Hermione's surprise, though she made no effort to move. In fact Hermione could of sworn the woman shivered at her words.

Hermione watched the woman, waiting for any sort of reaction as she slowly and lightly moved her finger tips from Bella's cheek to her neck and down her arm until she reached her elbow then she lightly traced them back to her shoulder and repeated the feather light movements.
Bella glances at the witch, a small smile on her lips.
"What are you doing?" She asks, Hermione shrugs "I don't really know." The brunette swallows then stops her actions.
The woman's smile only grew as she shook her head. "You really are peculiar Hermione."
The brunette returns the smile, finding herself far to preoccupied with studying the woman's face to even come up with a response.
Hermione took a mental photograph and added it her small collection that started over the summer break. It had more images of her in there than anything else, she was the model of the runaway in Hermione's mind.

"So, do I get to see more drawings?" Bella turns her attention back to the sketch book only to have the object snatched from her grasp. She whimpers as she looked up at Hermione, her big eyes reminded Hermione of puppy dog eyes when they want something from their master. She looked so innocent, so precious how was she supposed to say no to her. Not to mention that little whimper did things to Hermione it had no business doing, then there was the small pout on her lips. All Hermione wanted to do at this moment was collide her own lips with those pouting ones. To hold her close and never let go. To protect her from anything and everything that could possibly cause her any harm. She's never felt like this before, never felt so strongly about a person before let alone her best friend's aunt.

"I suppose a few more won't hurt." She found herself saying and the woman's face instantly lit up, like an eager toddler who gets its own way. Hermione flipped to the front of her book, knowing those sketches were mostly of animals she came across. She'd just stop her before they got to certain sketches.
"They're wonderful." Bella smiles taking the book once more from Hermione's hands. She smiles at the woman's reaction to each sketch, one seemed to peak her interest more than the rest though and that was of a little black fox looking out over the stream in the forbidden forest.
"I drew that when I was 12, pretty isn't it." Hermione shuffles closer to look at the sketch.
"It's beautiful." Bella whispers
"There's a few more, I used to see her quite often. Beautiful creatures isn't she, quite unusual colouring for a fox though." Hermione turned the page to reveal another image of the creature curled up near a tree sound asleep.
"Well Judging by the head shape it's a vixen, my uncle told me that males generally have broader heads and thicker muzzles than females and the broadness causes the ears of a dog fox to form a W-shape when viewed head-on, whereas they form a V in vixens whose heads are generally more triangular in shape. Though I'm not entirely sure how accurate that is, but according to that, this fox is a vixen." Hermione shrugs. The woman turns another page to see the creature perched upon a rock.
The fox was raven coloured with large brown eyes, and white tipped ears and tail, along with the white fur surrounding its chest.

"She's usually prowling the forbidden forest late at night, I used to borrow Harry's cloak to sneak up on her and draw her, I startled her a few times though." Hermione said, then an idea popped into her mind.
"What if we go, maybe you can see her too!"
A knock to the door caught both their attention. Before Bellatrix had chance to respond Apollo had run to the door and now he dangled off the door knob contemplating his life choices as it opened, causing his grip to slip and his backside collided with the floor.

"Oh my poor baby!" Bella was off of the bed in a flash, scooping the little masked bandit into her arms. Hermione quickly took that as an opportunity to close her book and move it out of sight.
"So this is where you've been hiding." Draco said as he came into the room, glancing at his aunt who cradled Apollo, covering his little head in kisses.
"Yup, hiding away doing word searches." Hermione smiles crossing her legs on the bed.
"You've had my aunt doing word searches?" Draco smirks
"They're very easy Draco, you shouldn't have any problem completing one." The woman said earning a snort from Hermione.
"Ouch." Draco clutched his heart as he glanced at his aunt who smiled and kissed his cheek.
"What happened to spending the day with your father?"
"Oh something came up." He shrugs heading over to sit on her bed beside Hermione.
"Oh, well you're welcome to join our little day Draco. Oh we can have some tea!" Bellatrix smiles, "Oo we can have a little tea party like when you were younger! I'll get Cissy and the tea!" And just like that the excited woman vanished leaving a baffled Hermione and a laughing Draco.

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