Hair braiding and warm milk

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Bellatrix prepared herself for bed, slipping out of her daily attire and into her deep purple satin nighty and lace robe. The little raccoon began moving the display pillows from the bed whilst she began braiding her hair.
Midway through the braid a knock caught her attention.
She frowned as she arose and headed to the door, half expecting to see Narcissa she was quite surprised at the person behind the door.

Hermione swallows as the woman opens the door and just stood there in the purple nighty with a low cut v-neck and a slit coming up the leg just stopping at the hip. Bellatrix tenses as she noticed the girls eyes wandering over her and instantly closed her robe, not that the partially see through fabric did much.
Hermione swallows holding up a glass of warm milk.
"Narcissa told me to bring this to you." Her cheeks began turning pink as she realised what she'd just done.
Bella remained silent as she stepped aside, Hermione swallows as she realised what that meant.
Hermione came inside and glances at the room, it was beautiful and so elegant.
"Place it on the bedside table." The woman said before returning to her previous seat and attempted to braid her hair again.

Hermione took this opportunity to take in her surroundings. A large golden framed four poster queen size bed was in the centre of the room, with almost see through light purple curtains draping down, the bedding was a deep purple and she noticed the large chair piled with cushions.
"Apollo's handy work."
Hermione turned her attention to the woman to see her reflection in the mirror watching her.
The creature chitters as he climbed to the top of the pile.

Hermione glances back at the room, the large windows with the same curtains as her bed hanging loosely from the golden curtain rails.
Bella watches the girl through the mirror as she takes in the room. Bellatrix began to feel uncomfortable with the silence and how the girl seemed to be taking everything in about her room.
Bella clears her throat catching the girls attention.
"Oh uh sorry, I was just admiring how elegant and pretty your room is." She smiles, though her cheeks had a hint of pink to them. She placed the milk on the bedside table then made her way back towards the door.
Bella returned to her hair, third time lucky she thought as she began the braid once more.

"My mother used to have me braid her hair. She had lovely long hair like yours, though she certainly didn't have natural curls like yours." Hermione began admiring the woman's hair, without thinking she began walking towards her.
"I could do yours if you like?" She ran her hands through the woman's long locks, completely oblivious to the woman's stiffness as she was too focused on the smooth ebony hair between her finger tips.
Bella remained silent as she watched the reflection of the girl in the mirror, she meant no harm Bellatrix knew that now and started to relax as she began playing with her hair.

"Your hair is really soft." She met the woman's eyes through the mirror then stopped, realising what she'd just done.
"Oh sorry I just completely barged in here ogled your room then just started playing with your hair." She stopped and started backing away.
"Sorry about that, sometimes I forget that-"
"It's alright, you can continue if you'd like, I didn't mind." Bellatrix interrupts noticing the slight sadness in her eyes. She mentioned her mother and Bella noticed the hint of happiness in her eyes, she must care and miss her a great deal. Bella didn't know exactly how that must feel like, her own mother made it quite clear she didn't want her.

Hermione smiles moving towards the woman once more.
"You sure because I can understand if you don't-"
"I'm positive, I wouldn't of said otherwise."

The brunette began running her hands through the ravenettes hair once more, a smile gracing her lips as she though of a time when she was younger and life was simpler, a time where she'd play with her mother's hair with nothing at all on her mind.
"You must miss her a great deal." Hermione snapped out of her thoughts by the sound of Bella's soft voice. She met the reflection of the woman.
"I do, but it's for the best, at least I know they'll be safe." She began braiding the woman's hair. Bellatrix watches her for a moment, studying her carefully.
"From what I've heard, and from what I've learnt from today, I think they're quite lucky to have you."
Hermione stops braiding and glances back towards the mirror to meet the dark orbs.
Bella offers a smile, and Hermione returns the smile before continuing the braid.
She sniffles slightly trying to hold back the tears, she really didn't want to cry right now, not in front of Draco's aunt who she'd just met.

Talk about first impressions.

Hermione came to the end of the braid and tied it with a bobble.
"All done." She said avoiding to look at the witch, a hand to her arm as she was about to leave caught her attention.
"No one has ever left my room in tears before, and I don't intend to let that happen now." She offers the girl her handkerchief.
"Sorry..." Hermione whispers accepting the cotton fabric.
"No need to apologise dove, you should see some of the states I've gotten myself in." She smiles hoping to bring some sort of comfort to the girl.
Hermione chuckles dabbing the tears away,
"It was just unexpected, and then braiding your hair just brought the memories back and I just didn't think I'd miss the little things like that soo much." More tears began to form in her eyes and Bellatrix wasn't entirely sure what to do.
"Come sit down, have some milk and have a little moment to gather your thoughts." She hesitantly reached for the girls arm and lead her to the bed, Hermione took a seat on the soft bed and accepted the milk Bellatrix gave her.

"I brought this up for you..." the brunette looks at the now lukewarm milk.
"It's alright, you need it more than me." She smiles debating wether she should sit beside the young witch or summon a chair.
The brunette took a sip of milk noticing how awkward the woman became, glancing between the bed and chair.
"You can sit beside me, I mean it's your bed." Hermione smiles, dabbing more tears away.
"Ah." Bellatrix nods taking the seat beside Hermione, she sat stiffly with both hands resting in her lap.
"Thank you." Hermione smiles reaching for Bella's hand. Bella glances at their hands then at her.
"It's no problem, I didn't like seeing you upset." She smiles, though on the inside she began to panic, not knowing how she should be reacting or if she was even helping the girl. People don't usually come to her for comfort, well except for Narcissa but that was many years ago, now she has Lucy she no longer goes to Bella with her problems. Bellatrix would Never admit it of course, but she did miss that. She missed feeling needed by her sister.

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