Dreams and hugs

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Hermione glanced around the fountain but the woman was nowhere in sight, and a pile of fairies kept approaching her, dancing or showing of there shiny hair. Hermione swallows at first it was nice, but now there's far too many trying to get her attention and all she really wants is to find Bellatrix.
Hermione tried to leave but the swarm of little humanoid creatures began tugging at her, not wanting her to leave.
"Hey get off, I've got to go." She tried her best not to swat one, but with them flying around her head like little flies it was proofing to be difficult.

Hermione managed to eventually out run the fairies, only she had no idea where she was going or what turning she took.
"Oh for fucks sake."
"Honestly Miss Granger, your language is diabolical." Hermione spun around to see the woman stood behind her.
"Where did you come from?"
The woman just chuckles.
"What have I told you about awareness? If you were paying attention you'd know."
Hermione took a deep inhale, and Bellatrix giggled. "Are you getting annoyed?"

Hermione shook her head then laughed
"No, I'm just baffled as to what you're doing." Hermione looks at the witch, properly looks at her. The woman stood a few feet away with her arms behind her back. Her head tilted to the side causing her hair to lean on the same direction. Her eyes were filled with mischief and a sweet innocent smile graced her lips.
"Whatever do you mean?"
Hermione frowns, "Cute, real cute." She folds her arms and the woman giggles once again.
Bellatrix was about to start running again but Hermione had other plans.
"Locomotor Mortis"

Bellatrix gasps as the spell hit her, enabling her to run anywhere.
" Got you." Hermione smiles triumphantly as she approaches the witch. Bellatrix frowns,
"That wasn't very Gryffindor of you."
"You left me no choice." Hermione stops just in front of the woman. "What were you doing anyway? And why did you take my stuff, I told Narcissa I'd sort her roses for her."
"But that looked so boring." Bellatrix pouts, tilting her head to the side.
"Well it's not, I actually enjoy gardening."  Hermione folds her arms.
"That's because you're boring." Bellatrix shot back, a wicked spark in her eye.

Hermione couldn't quite believe what the woman had just said, or where this behaviour came from.
"What has gotten in to you today." Hermione couldn't help but smile as the woman began giggling. Her laughter was contagious and soon Hermione found herself laughing, at what she didn't really know.
During the laughing match Hermione failed to notice the woman had over powered her and got out of the leg lock.
"Your it." She said playfully pushing the brunettes arm gently before dashing back into the maze. Hermione just blinked for a moment as the realisation of what just happened hit her.

"So that's how you want to play." Hermione said aloud before chasing after her. Again she followed the trail of laughter, stopping every now and then to determine the direction of the sound. She hit another dead end, well it looked like a dead end, but that was never the case here. She disappeared through the bush and came out the other end only to find herself back at the very beginning.
"What the fu-"
"I wouldn't use that word around here dearie, the witch doesn't like that sort of talk."

Hermione shot around to the direction of the voice but there was nothing there.
"Down here."
Hermione blinks at the tiny purple snail with abnormally large green eyes perched on the rock.
"I'm sorry, did you just talk?"
"Aye, that I did." The creature blinks.
"Holy shit."
"You shouldn't of said that." The snail sighs and as Hermione was about to question him the ground beneath her gave way.
The brunette screamed as she fell through the ground. A long never ending hole was more accurate, like something out of Lewis Carroll's Alice in wonderland, only there was no white rabbit.

"Bellatrix!" Hermione yelled as she tried to grab anything to stop her from falling to her death. It was so dark she couldn't see anything, there was no way out. The young witch began to lose all hope, when she heard her voice.
"Hermione." The woman called, she sounded so near but nowhere in sight.
"Hermione dove, I'm here." Her voice was soft and gentle, it was music to Hermione's ears.
"Come on little cub, you'll be alright. I'm here."
Hermione felt arms embrace her, but she continued to fall. It wasn't dark anymore, it started to get lighter, she could see. She could see an Angel.

Hermione bolts upright, almost head butting the woman, hovering above her.
"Oh dear, you frightened me half to death!" Bellatrix said, her hand placed on her heart as she kneeled beside the settee.
Hermione glanced around, then glanced at the woman kneeling beside her.
"You okay?" Bellatrix smiles, squeezing the Brunettes arm.
"It was all a dream." Hermione whispers, now understanding why certain things seemed off. Narcissa would Never have ordinary muggle flowers growing in her garden.

"Yes it was, and not a very pleasant one by the way you were screaming." Bellatrix smiles, moving to stand up. Hermione adjusted her position on the settee in the library, moving her legs, making room for the woman to sit beside her.
"It didn't start off too bad." Hermione admits, looking at her hands in her lap. Then the forgotten book laying on the floor caught her attention, she bent down and picked it up.
"That explains it." She mutters as she read the cover.
"The Labyrinth?" Bella asks, glancing at the young witch beside her.
"Yeah, I clearly dozed off whilst reading that, which explains the weirdness of the dream...but at the time it felt so real."
"Ah but the mind can be a tricky place love, take it from me." The woman chuckles, oblivious to the affect her new little name had on Hermione. She placed her hand on the brunettes knee and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Should you need anything though, I am here. Understandable if you don't wish to talk about it with me, but I am here none the less." Bellatrix smiles, and before Hermione realised her actions she flung her arms around the woman and pulled her into a tight squeeze. Bellatrix tensed at first, that reaction was not at all expected, but she knew now was not the time to be picky, the young Witch was clearly upset.

Bellatrix carefully wrapped her arms around Hermione and began caressing her back, hoping it came across as comforting. Bellatrix was half excepting the girl to cry on her shoulder, like she had done a few times before but instead she started laughing.
Confused Bellatrix pulled back slightly to see the giggle witch.
"Everything okay there?"
"Everything is fine." Hermione smiles brightly
"Do you want to know what my dream was about?"
Bellatrix released her and sat up straight,
"Only if you want to tell me."

Hermione explained the dream to the woman who looked puzzled at first then began to smile. "I can assure you, I have never played tag in my life, I'm afraid I don't even know what it is."
"You basically tap someone then that means they're on it and you have to avoid them at all costs, but if they catch you and tap you then you have to try and get them." Hermione explained and the woman stared at her blankly.
"Huh." Was all she responded, before falling silent. Hermione didn't really know what to do now, was she to leave...

"I suppose that's why you were screaming my name then. One did wonder about that." Bellatrix spoke, breaking the silence.
Hermione went bright red, "Did I really?"
"Oh yes, I was in the hall passing by at the time." Bella said.
"Was I that loud?" Hermione wanted to die then and there.
"Fairly loud, I'm surprised Narcissa didn't barge in here ready to kill somebody."
"Oh god." Hermione flung her head back against the settee and the woman beside her chuckles.

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