Are you...jealous?

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It was already night. You entered to Hiros house.

"Well, it was a good time! " you said.

"Yeah, bye." Eathen said.

You kissed his cheek. "Thank you. For being there for me when i was...alone."

"Anytime..." he said then left.

You entered to the house and the first thing you saw was Hiro.

"Oh hey Hiro!" you said.

He didnt answer.

"Hiro?" you said.

He kissed you. You were surprised by his acction but kissed back. He then put his hands on your cheeks and was kissing deeper. You were going to pull away but Hiro didnt let you. Until you kicked him on his leg.

"Ouch!" he said.

"Why did you kiss me like that!?" you said.

"I ahh..." he said."i dont know"

"You dont know, i came from having a good time with Eathen and you ruined my day!" you said.

"What? I ruined your day!?" he said.

"Yes, you!" you said. "More when your with Katie!"

"Are you jealous?" he said.

"Yes and you?" you said.

"Yes!" he said.

"I dont have time for this!" you walked pass him but he pulled you to him and put his arms around you.

"Your not going anywhere!" he said.

"Hiro, let me go!" you said.

"No!" he said.

Put he looked at you and saw a scared face, then he let you go.

"Do you love him?" he said.

"What?" you said.

"Eathen, do you love him?" he said.

"No! I love you, but...." you said.

"But what?" he said.

"Im losing my trust with you..." you said.

"What.." he said.

"Your everytime with Katie, everywhere. I am just like, a peace of paper that haves to get to the trash." you said.

"Why do you say that?" he said.

"Because i dont like Katie, and you have to like Eathen ok?" you said.

"What? You dont like my friend,  but i have to like yours?" he said.

" your friend?" you said.

"Yes!" he said.

"sometimes i think someone its going to kill me.." you said.

Hiro then remembered what Eathen said to him.

" scared of you " you said.

"What? But im a superheroe." he said.

"Superheroes sometimes kill persons.....and im scared of you..." you said hoing up the stairs but you stopped " and yes im jealous, and remenber, we have to kepp locking for Tadashi, Honey is devastaded." then you go with Cass.

"What am i gonna do..." he said. "Where are you Tadashi...."

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