Wedding Day

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After you guys graduate, a few weeks later, it was Tadashi and Honey's wedding at Freds mansion. Hiro have his white tux. His glasses and the same converse.

'' Hiro come on!'' Tadashi said from dpwn stairs.

''Coming'' Hiro said.

All of you rushed to the wedding, it came a lot of people, at the Time it came Gogo, Fred and Wasabi.

''Hello handsome'' Fred said to Tadashi.

''Shut up Fred!'' Tadashi said.

''My man! Your going to be a big man!'' Wasabi said.

''Im going go kill you for this, its your fault i have to wear a dress! But.....this is the best day if your life so i wont kill you...yet'' Gogo said.

''Thanks guys!'' Tadashi said.

''Woah Hiro! Maybe you want to look at someone coming towars us!'' Fred said.

Hiro turned aroud to see you have a (favorite color) dress and (favorite color) converse.

'' look..............Wow'' Hiro said blushing.

''Ok, i look wow!'' you said laughing. That made him blush more.

''Awwww Hiro, you look handsome too!'' you said.

'' thanks!'' Hiro said.

'' ok! Ok! The bride is coming everyone. Go and enter to the house, time for the lovebirds to be official!'' Cass said.

All of you eneterd. At the time Honey came with a beautiful white dress. Tadashi was.....impressed for his future wife. When Hiney was on Tadashi's side he said.

'' you look beautiful''

''You too, my love'' Honey said.

The time passes by and Tadashi and Honey were going to kiss.

''Now i declare the two of you hundband and wife, you may kiss.'' the pastor said.

Honey and Tadashi looked at each other and then they kissed and everyone clapped and smiled.

''Hiro, i just want you to know that i want to be with you for the rest of my life, because i live you.'' you said.

''I love you more that what you love me.'' Hiro said. He leaned to you and kissed you.

''Now that the wedding is over...lets party!'' Fred said.

Then everyone started dancing a slow song. You were with Hiro. Honey was with Tadashi. Wasabi was with Mochi. Cass with Baymax. Fred was with Gogo.

''I love you'' Hiro said.

You smiled and kissed him. He kissed back.

'This was one of the best days of your lifes....

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