Finally talking

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"Ashes to ashes and dust to dust." Oogie mocks as he lift the table end higher, making us closer to the lava under us. He keeps rolling the dice to pull the lever. I growl in frustration, but try not to move, else I'll slide into the burning liquid.

He tosses the dice into his dice table and yells, "What?! Snake eyes?! Eleven!" He bumbles his way over to the lever and begins to pull it. "Bye bye, little princess." I shout in fear before all three of us are swept away.

In confusion, Oogie flips the table over to be met with Dad! I smile in relief before looking next to me and see Iden untying us. "Hello, Oogie." Jack greets with venom lacing his voice.

"J-j-jack! But they said you were dead." Oogie backs up. "You must be double dead!" The man claims as he presses a button. The floor starts to twirl around, throwing Dad a bit off balance. Cards with swords pull up and they spin the weapons around. Dad gets on all fours to avoid the blades.

"Well come on, Bone man." Oogie teases. Dad takes the challenges and acrobatically avoids all blades. Oogie oohs at the sight and pulls on a chain. The cards go down and gunmen roll out of the walls. Dad get on the arms to get out of the line of shot. Oogie watches with hatred until he realizes he's moving closer to the guns. He runs off trying to avoid getting shot. He dives for the ground and presses another button.

A saw appears and heads straight for Dad. "Dad, look out!" I warn him. Dad jumps off and right in front of Oogie. The floor under the clothed monster springs up and he latches himself onto the pole in the middle. "So long Jack!" He laughs in victory. What Oogie doesn't take to account is that one of his strings comes loose. 

Dad grabs the string. "How dare you treat my friend and daughter so disrespectfully." He claims and yanks the string.. The cloth comes off to reveal a mess of bugs entangled to one another. The bugs dissolve over the lava while one kept repeating "My bugs!" before getting squished by Santa.

Dad walks over to Santa and speaks with sorrow. "Forgive me Santa, I made a mess of your holiday." Santa snatches the hat from Dad. "Jack, if I ever get the idea of messing with someone else's holiday, I'd listen to them!" He points at us. "You're lucky your daughter explained every thing to me. She is defiantly on my nice list."

"I hope there's still time!" Iden speaks up. "To fix Christmas? Of course there is! I'm Santa Clause." Santa then taps his nose, and he flies away.

Iden glances at me. "I'm sorry for not listening to your or Sally. You were only trying to help." I look at the boy with a smile. "Well, I can't blame you. You were trying to get close to me." The boy's head snaps up in surprise. "Sally told me. I'm quite surprise you like me."

Iden shakes his head. "Well, I-" A light harshly shines in and the town found us. We roll into the song as everyone sings how grateful they are that Dad and Iden are okay.

I look over and see snow falling with Santa wishing us a happy Halloween. I watch as everyone play in the snow before Sally and I walk off.

Sally walks up the hill whilst I walk to my tombstone next to Dad's I sit down and look over the beautiful scenery. I hear music a look to see Dad singing to Sally.

My dearest friend if you don't mind

I'd like to join you by your side

Where we can gaze into the stars

And sit together 

Now and forever

For it is plain as anyone can see

We're simply meant to be

I sigh in happiness at the sight before feeling someone watching me. I look to me left to see Iden sheepishly smiling at me. I quietly chuckle before planting my boney lips onto his cheeks. I rest my head on his shoulder as he sighs happily and we watch my Dad and his bestfriend share a loving kiss.

The End

3rd POV

In Oogie's layer, a small roach crawls around the floor, squeaking as it tries to collect itself before letting out another high-pitched one as a glass jar encloses it. "Gotcha!" A voice chuckles as the jar is picked up and a lid is placed to hold the bug in there. It's soon brought up to reveal a hooded figure hiding their face. "Hello, Oogie. You like gambling? How about we wager how much you can take before begging for mercy?" The figure says as they walk into a red doorway before the strange frame closes it in on itself with Oogie bug screaming fades away.

Nightmare before christmas (Jack x daughter!reader)Where stories live. Discover now