Chapter 3 New Kids

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Chapter 3

New Kids

Leon's POV

             "Get up, Leon!" Nikolai shouts as he shakes my bed.

             "Leave me alone, Niko," I mumble pulling the covers back over my head.

             "Fine, have it your way," he says as I hear him leave my room.

             I smirk and settle back into my bed.  About two minutes pass when I hear someone ran into my room.  I pull the covers back to see who it is.  My eyes widened when I see Nikolai standing next to my bed holding a cup and an evil look on his blue eyes.  "Don't you even think about it, Nikolai Kohl," I glare at the bastard I call my best friend and future Beta.

             "Too late!" he shouts as he yanks the covers back and dumps the freezing contents on me.  I jump out of bed to chase after him only to slip on, "Fucking marbles! Really!?!?!?!"  I hear Niko laugh as I pick myself off the floor.

             "Frozen marbles, Leon!  It's better than ice cubes because you can't beat the crap out of me for making your bed all wet!" Niko shouts from what I assume is the kitchen since I smell pancakes cooking.

             I know he's right so I push, the marbles that landed on the floor under my bed using my foot.  I open the drawer to my bedside table and shove all the marbles I see in my bed into it.  It will have to do for now even though I know I will be finding them in bed for the next week.  I don't know why he even bothered to get me up.  With my good grades, it doesn't really matter if I go to school.  And since I'm going to be Alpha in two weeks when I turn 18, I shouldn't be forced to go to school anyway. 

             I go into the bathroom so I can relieve my bladder before taking a short shower.  After brushing my teeth, I toss on some jeans and white t-shirt.  I take a quick check in the mirror.  Perfect, wavy, sandy, brown hair check.  Sexy amber eyes check.  Dark, tan, skin check.  Rock hard six pack check.  This Adonis is ready to start the day.

             I make my way down the hall to the dining room where I find the smug blonde bastard sitting at the table with his older sister, Selina.  Both of them have matching baby blue eyes and light golden hair.  Nikolai sat there wearing a grey button up and dark blue fitted jeans.  Selina propped up by the table, dressed in cobalt blouse and black pencil skirt.

             "Well, looks who has decided to join the living.  Good job, Niko," Selina says, taking a sip of her coffee.

             I grab a chair at the table, "Where's Ander?  He's usually the first one up."  Ander is Nikolai's and Selina's little brother.  Unlike his siblings, Ander is an Omega so he is extremely quiet and small in size. While Selina and Niko take after their father who was my Dad's Beta, Ander's looks of doe eyes and light brown hair mirror their mother who died due to complications with Ander's birth.  And when their father died during a rouge attack five years ago and all three of moved out of the pack house and into mine.

             "He's already at school, something about volunteering to show the new students around," my mom answers as she enter the dining room carrying a plate stacked with pancakes.

             "New kids? This late into the semester? I mean Halloween is in two weeks." Niko says before piling pancakes onto his plate.

             I look at Dad as he enters the room bring the glasses and a jug of apple juice, "How come I wasn't told this?"

             "You were told.  You just weren't listening.  It doesn't matter though because they're just humans," Dad states pouring the juice before wrapping his arms around Mom.

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