Chapter 9 Causes for Concern

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Sorry for the wait. This chapter took longer than I thought it would because of doing varying research and lots of rewrites.

Gold star for everyone who noticed Leon is Noel spelled backwards. Don't feel bad if you didn't. I completely didn't notice until one of you told me. How observant am I? XD

Leather Pouch-------------------->


Chapter 9

Causes for Concern

Leon's POV

"ANDER! WE'RE OVER HERE!" Tempest shouts from across the school courtyard, waving all of us over. We head over to the shady patch of grass where Tempest seems to have amassed quite a harem.

The only word I can think of for all of them would be odds and ends. A mixed bag of individuals that didn't perfectly fit in any other cliques, all brought together by Tempest. I recognize the faces of young pack members from varying grades seated on the grass around her. Two freshman boys are in a serious negotiation over a Pokemon trade. Some theater kids are running lines and discussing costume ideas. A few students are comparing notes. And a girl wearing glasses has her nose buried deep in a book. Tempest is at the center of the activity, fueling the rest of the conversions, jumping from topic to topic. Once we get close, she breaks away from them to meet us with hugs and a smile. "Hey, guys," she greets. "Do you want to hang with us until the bell?"

I look at Ander and Niko to get their answers. Ander stands beside Tempest ready to follow her. Niko is staring at glasses girl. "Earth to Niko," I say, breaking him out of his daze.

He gives me a goofy grin before moving to sit next to the little Omega who still hasn't looked up from her book, earning a peculiar glance from Tempest. I leave him to gawk after taking a picture of his idiotic expression to show him later. I'm glad someone has finally caught his attention. He's been focusing way too much on his Beta duties.

"I guess I'm staying, too," I say with a shrug, joining the circle. "Where's Basil?" I ask Tempest once she reclines herself back onto the soft grass. Her blue jeans splattered with paint and her sugar skull t-shirt staring at me.

"He left to make a call, probably, to his boyfriend," she reveals.

"Boyfriend?" I repeat.

Tempest's eyes widen as she realizes her mistake. "Please, don't go repeating that. Especially, around our dad," she pleads.

"Why? We're not homophobic or anything if that's what you're afraid of," Ander states, sitting next to her.

"No, it's not that. Basil doesn't really care what people think of him. It's supposed to be a secret because Dad wouldn't approve of his boyfriend at the moment," Tempest answers, picking at the grass.

"Why would he not approve?" I push for an answer, worry seeping into my words.

"There's just a bit of an age difference between them," she mumbles. "Can we stop talking about this? If you really want to know more then ask Basil." She flashes me her warm brown eyes, melting my heart a little.

"Yeah, sorry for making you feel uncomfortable," I apologize. Hesitantly, I continue on, "I've been meaning to ask this, did Noel say anything about me after I left?"

Tempest gains a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Why would you want to know that?"

"I-I just want to make sure he doesn't hate me for that stupid comment I made about his name," I stammer. What the hell am I blushing for?

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