Chapter 10 Your Cub

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I'm sorry I didn't update when I said I would. My life is a bit chaotic at the moment. 

I dedicate this chapter to my favorite Kohai, NEPNEPISYEPYEP. :P

Image: Cross' House-------------------->

Video: Taylor Swift Ft. The Civil Wars - Safe and Sound-------------------------------->

Chapter 10

Your Cub

Noel's POV

<You should really take a nap, Noel. You're running on fumes right now. It's not healthy.> Karno lectures me as I prune some potted honeysuckle. 

<And run risk of having another nightmare like the one last night. The flashbacks I can handle but I do not enjoy being chased through some dark forest.> I say back to him.

<Or you hand control over to me. We don't have dreams as long as our body is awake. At least your mind will be rested.> he suggests.

I check the greenhouse meters to make sure everything is working properly. <And have you find the silver vine again. No thank you. I refuse to be completely baked when the kids get home.>

Karno huffs. <What's the point of having it if I can't have some? Where's the fun in that?>

<Why don't you ask Dante? I'm pretty sure he's still fixing the damage to his apartment from the last you found the silver vine. We use it for the therapeutic capabilities not to get high.> I scold the stupid cat, locking the greenhouse door and start heading towards the house.

<Spoil sport.> He pouts.

<I'll let you terrorize some squirrels tonight. Okay? Will that make the kitty happy?> I tease, entering the house just in time to hear the phone ring. Karno retreats back to his corner of our shared mind, probably to sulk. I let out a small laugh at his antics before picking up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello, am I speaking with Noel Cross?" a nervous female voice speaks through the phone.

"Yes, this is he," I respond with a frown. "What's this about?"

"It's about your daughter, Amber. She's been in a bit of an altercation with another student during today's art class. They're bringing her down to the office as we speak so I don't have all the details yet," the lady says, making my heart stop. "Could you please come and pick her up? Her teacher said she seems slightly hysterical about it all."

"Of course, I'll be there as soon as I can," I say through clenched teeth as Karno pulls for control. "Tell her daddy's on his way." I end the phone call.

<I will tear all of them limb from limb if so much as one single hair on my cub's head is harmed!> Karno growls from the back of our shared mind.

<Please don't go on a bloody rampage, Karno. Despite what you think, murder doesn't solve all our problems.> I tell him as I grab my coat. I absent-mindedly reach for my keys. My hand brushes against the empty hook. Shit. I gave Basil the car for today. I bite my lip in thought. I can't shift and run to town. I would have to go straight into Leon's pack territory. I dial Basil's number on my phone as I exit the house. I don't want to use our pack bond in case he's in class and I need to talk to his teacher.

His phone rings a few times before he picks up. "Hey, Dad. What's wrong? I'm in the middle of lunch."

"Sorry about this but I need you to come and pick me up. Something happened to Amber at school and I need to make sure she's okay. I need to make sure she doesn't fall back on her old fears," I say as I start walking down the long driveway. The closer I get to town, the faster I can be with Amber.

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