Chapter 8 The Chase

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I started another book called Light A Fire. It's still malexmale but not supernatural. Feel free to check it out.

I dedicate this chapter to BigNeptune. Thanks for being the first author I stalk...I mean follow to share my story. And go take a nap. I don't want you to get sick with colder weather is coming.

Leon's Wolf Theodoulos------------------------------>


Chapter 8

The Chase

Leon's POV

Someone knocks against the door as I stare at the ceiling of my room. "Come in," I mumble, sinking my face into a pillow.

The door opens and closes as Niko's scent enters my room. "So are you going to tell me what happened that made you skip dinner?"

"I'm an idiot, plain and simple," I answer, burying myself further into my pillow.

"I thought you already knew that," Niko says, ripping the pillow from my grasp. "Now tell what happened?"

"I made myself look like such a jerk in front of him," I groan.

"Who? Basil?" Niko asks, confused.

"No, Noel," I cry out.

"His dad? What did you do to offend him?" Niko demands me to answer.

I jabber on about how I basically insulted him by calling him a girl. And thanking the Goddess, I didn't blurt out anything more of what I was thinking in front of Noel. How cute he looked holding Amber in his lap, showering her with affection. And I just stood there dazed, staring at him like a creep.

He probably won't let me be near him after tonight. Maybe he will even ban me from seeing Basil, Amber, and Tempest too. I don't think I could handle that. Basil's the only person besides Nikolai I enjoy hanging out with. I just started getting little Amber to trust me. And while I don't know much about Tempest, she's making Ander happier than I've seen him in months. "The entire Cross family has stolen my heart and soul," I think to myself.

"Dude, get a hold of yourself," Niko interrupts my rambling. "You're starting to sound like a lunatic. I highly doubt Basil's dad is one to hold a grudge."

"You weren't there, Niko. He looked so sad after meeting me. It has to be my fault somehow," I insist.

"Maybe today was just is bad day for him," he suggests.

"No, I heard Selina and Ander talking about him when I got home. They left him in good spirits, it's unlikely something happened between then and when I met him. Plus, you should have seen it. The way Noel looks when he sees his children," I say, smiling at the memory. "Like he was looking at his lifeline, his purpose to continue on," I utter, wistfully.

"Isn't that how every parent looks at their child?" Nikolai mutters.

"I guess, it just felt different at the time. Can you leave? I'm tired and I might as well go to bed early," I mumble, not feeling in the mood to talk more.

"Sure, I'll see you in the morning. Maybe since you're turning in early, I won't have to use marbles, tomorrow," he laughs, heading to the door.

"Ha Ha. Very funny, Niko," I retort, burying my head back into the pillow. "I think I'm going insane."

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