Chapter 12 Aura

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Don't be afraid of pointing out mistakes. As much as I try to edit this, I always seem to miss something. So I'm willing to fix anything that would also bother me.

Thank you to @XxEasyLovexX for making a new cover.

Tempest's pendant---------->


Chapter 12


Tempest's POV

A knock sounds against my bedroom door just as I finish my morning meditation. "Come in," I call out, putting out the burning incense on my personal altar. 

"Tempy?" Amber softly whispers after she opens the door. "Can you do my hair?"    

Not even looking at her, I can still practically feel the anxiety radiating off of her. Always so afraid of asking for something. "Of course, just grab a pillow and give me a second," I answer, picking up my pendant from the altar. The smooth black onyx absorbs all light while bound by silver to connect it to the chain around my neck. The large stone resting above my protection charm with the cool comforting feeling of the silver pentagram resting against my chest.  

I turn around to see Amber sitting on my bed and Snooty sitting comfortably in her lap. "Not feeling very colorful today, little cub?" I ask, taking in the sight of her black outfit. Black jeans hug her short little legs. Her black spotted hoodie matches Karno's coat perfectly with a pair of ears on the hood and a tail on the back. I remember when Dad  gave it to her on the day of her adoption as a reminder that she will always be his little cub. 

"Today's a dark day," she mumbles, holding out her hair brush. 

"But not your darkest," I reply, taking the brush and sitting next to her. "What you do want done?"

"Braid please," she answers. 

"Sounds good, little sister," I say with a smile as I start to part her red hair. "Do you know what happened between Dad and Leon yesterday? They were acting really weird around each other when Basil and I came home." And Dad kept on acting weird after he left. Much more tense and anxious as his aura suggests.

"I don't know. When I came back from using the potty, the room's mood felt really strange. Daddy wouldn't look at Leon and stayed in the kitchen while Leon and I watched TV until you guys came home."

"And Leon practically fled once we got there," I finish the recap.

"I hope nothing bad happened. I really like Leon. He's nice," she says, playing with Snooty's ears.

"I'm sure everything will be fine." I hope. I decide to change the subject. "So I hear you're not going to school today?"

"Yeah," Amber mumbles. "Daddy says the school is working on my schedule. They're gonna move me to a different class." 

"That's good. It means you won't be near that mean boy. Once his suspension is over, that is," I say, finishing the French braid with a couple of hair pins. "All done."

Amber scrambles off my bed to the dresser mirror. "It's perfect. Thank you, Tempest," she says, hugging me tight before darting out of my room and back up stairs to Dad.

I cover the mirror with a sheet so I can start getting dressed. Yesterday's embarrassing event flashes through my mind. I take off the worn T-shirt that work as my pajamas and look at my bandaged waist. So close. I'm so close to finding the right combination for my potion. A potion to get rid of the reminders. The scars. Not just for me but for Dad as well. But until I find it, I should just cover up and make sure no more questions get asked.

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