Chapter 4 Confusion

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I think I either broke my brain while writing this chapter or I have a sinus infection again. Anyway, I did it! I'm done with high school forever. Thanks for understanding all the chaos I was dealing with and for all messages of love for this story. I know you love the story but if you could tell me why you love it, it would help me so much. Also I changed the cover sightly.


Chapter 4


Leon's POV

My wolf, Theodoulos, growls in my head, echoing down the pack link. "Everyone not directly involved leave now," Everyone pauses before scurrying away and showing their necks as sign of submission, except the girl who just stops her kick aimed for opponent's groin and the boy in front of Ander who looks from his phone. I cross my arms, "So are you going to answer my question?"

My two pack members scramble to get up and give an explanation, "Well, you see, um, Leon, the thing is," Chris, the one that was on the ground starts.

The other one, Mason, elbows him, "We just offered to show the new kids around town. You know take them to the local hangouts so they can make some friends. But they started to get all rude and hostile, picking on Ander-"

"That's bullshit and you know it," the girl interrupts. She starts towards Chris. I go to jump in between them when an arm wraps around her, stopping her advance. "Hey! Let me go, Basil."

"That's enough, Tempest. You've made your point. Now calm down before you hurt yourself," the black haired boy, Basil, says calmly. He casts his eyes in my direction, "Forgive my sister's temper, but she was telling the truth. Tempest was just defending Ander against them." The girl, Tempest, glares in Chris' and Mason's direction before going over to comfort a terrified Ander. I motion for Niko to check on Ander as well.

Mason and Chris scramble to make a rebuttal against the siblings' case when Basil pulls out his phone that he was messing with earlier with a flourish. He tabs the screen a few times before turning it in my direction. I see a video beginning to play, the camera is pointed the ground but the mic picks up everything.

"So, Ander, you thought that if you showed the new kids around then we weren't going to mess with you?" Mason's voice plays clearly, making him turn ashen.

"N-No, I just w-wanted to volunteer," Ander stutters. "It looks g-good on college a-applications."

"Oh, does it now?" Chris' voice seemed to ooze out. "Then would you mind if we tagged along?"

"Yeah, we could show you all the party spots. What do you say, cutie?" Mason says.

"No, thank you. My brother and I aren't the partying type," Tempest's voice sounds tight with anger.

"Don't be like that," says sleazy sounding Mason.

"Get away from her!" Ander cries out.


Basil must have changed to the angle of his phone at this point to catch the infuriating scene playing out. Ander sprawled out on the floor with the two idiots way too close to Tempest to my liking. The camera shifts as Basil moves to help Ander up. His voice sounds a warning, "I would stop where you are if I were you."

Both of them pause and look back at Basil, "So he speaks. What are you going do if we don't?"

"Me? Nothing." Basil states. The two of them start to forward again. As soon as one of them lays a hand in her, Tempest instantly lashes out landing a firm kick to Chris' groin. He drops to the floor with a groan. "She can take care of herself," I could hear the smirk in Basil's voice.

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