It isn't easy

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Luca took the key for the restaurant out of his jacket and shortly played with it before finally putting it into the lock and opening the door. He was surprised how fast everything went by. He saw the job advertisement and decided to take a closer look since the restaurant was only a few streets away from his home. This meant that he wouldn't have to worry about how he would be getting there. However, he went there in the afternoon, had the job interview and - to his surprise - got the job. A part inside of him was screaming that there was something wrong. Usually, you wouldn't get a job that fast. The other part of him, the one reminding him that he needed a job or else his mother would kick him out, tried to convince him that the new owner just wanted to have someone to do the work there soon. This part won and now he was there. At the restaurant. As soon as he had entered and locked the door, Mimi ran over to the male who looked quite young - about twenty years old - and dragged him in the direction of the office. While she did that, she couldn't overlook Toby's warning glance. He knew exactly what she intended to do. Hide the night guard if he wouldn't leave. Mimi and the confused male arrived at the office, the clock showed 11:55 p.m. "Look, I don't have much time, but you need to listen to me. "You have to leave, otherwise they'll kill you. I can't tell you why, just leave, please", she said worried. "Stop, this is going way too fast. I don't know you, you're a robot, you just dra- You're a robot! What the hell is this?!", he asked, holding a hand to his forehead. Originally, Mimi wanted to not tell him too much, but she had to try everything. "The next things I'm going to say will sound very weird and disturbing but believe me, it's true. So first off, all animatronics are possessed by the murdered teens. I'm pretty sure they wrote something about us in the newspaper. However, you have to leave because the others want our secret to be safe and won't hesitate to murder you. They gave us one last chance though. If you're out of the building by quarter past twelve and quit, you'll survive. If not, you get the point", she told him, talking faster with every sentence. He looked at her in disbelief, then shook his head. "I need this job. If I tell my friends and family that I quit they would want a reason. And then? It's not that easy", he answered. Mimi realized that he would stay. Toby was right. "Let's make a deal. I'll help you through the nights and you'll try to find a new workplace as soon as possible", she proposed. This was his only chance - both knew. So he nodded. "Thank you. I'm Luca and you are?", the male asked in a relieved sounding voice. "Mimi. Anyways, are you just here for the night shift or do you have to do something else, too?", the female wanted to know. Luca handed her the list with the tasks for the week.

𝓜𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓪𝔂 - 𝓘𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵-𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝓲𝓷 𝓯𝓸𝔁-𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓬. 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝓲𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓻𝓸𝓸𝓶.

So that was the thing Toby needed. "We'll scrap that task from today, it wouldn't be really helpful for you if you did that", Mimi stated. A quick look at the clock told her that it was ten minutes past twelve. Not much time left. Suddenly, the lights went out and the room turned pitch black. Luca reached in his backpack to get a flashlight but got interrupted by Mimi who pulled him under the desk. Not a second too early - the moment he was sitting under the desk with Mimi's hand covering his mouth, someone jumped out of the vent and landed on the place he was standing before. They heard steps coming closer. "They're not here", a female voice said. "Honestly, it's not too surprising. The office can work just like a trap and she knows that", a male voice answered. Flora and Toby. "I suggest that we'll search the lavatory next. They can't hide forever", Flora said. Mimi and Luca heard steps again. They were gone. The female took her hand off the other's mouth and he sneezed. They froze. It wasn't that loud but what if? Everything was silent. That was a close call. "Do you have the key to the fuse box?", the animatronic asked quietly. She had little time to find out about her new body, but she found out that her eyes could work like a flashlight. This was quite useful now. As she switched on these small lamps, Luca just nodded to answer her question. She made a hand gesture to tell Luca to follow her, then she left the office. Since the light from her eyes wasn't really bright, Mimi didn't need to worry about it revealing them. After they had sneaked down the hallway and peaked around a corner, they saw Toby and Flora. They had also switched on their eye-lights but at a brighter level and were entering the parts and service room. Mimi and Luca hurried into the lavatory and hid in one of the stalls. "If I get Toby's keys, he must have one for the fuse box, you can flick on the power and lock it, then he won't be able to turn it off again. I could try to get them", the female whispered. Before Luca could answer anything, they heard steps again - this time it was just one person. The steps were getting closer, and Mimi searched for a way to escape. There was a vent above them. She stepped on the toilet and pushed Luca, who obviously wasn't able to get up by himself, in the shaft. Whoever was outside now arrived in front of the stall. Luca vanished in the vent and the door was pushed open. Mimi found herself face to face with Sascha. Her friend had an empty expression in his eyes, a red ring had appeared around his irises. After he had stared at her for a few moments - she didn't dare to move - he checked the other stalls, then he left again. Mimi was shaking but she quickly helped Luca out of the vent. The two spent the rest of their night changing hiding spots, staying there a short amount of time, and then leaving again. Somehow it worked.

The clock showed ten to six a.m. "Ten minutes until your shift is over. We should be safe now. They wouldn't dare", Mimi said. Luca nodded. "I guess so", he said. His voice was breaking a bit because there was still adrenaline in his veins. The female looked around. They were in the office, and everything seemed safe. "Ten minutes. I need to get the chip. Can you stay alone?", she asked. The male nodded again so she hurried to the parts and service room. She searched the boxes and shelves, but the chip was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she found a piece of paper with the different functions of the animatronics. There were mainly features that were triggered by different chips listed. After she had read about a few things and decided to take the list with her, she heard a door. Someone had entered. Mimi quickly turned around and stood up. "What are you doing here?", Toby asked in a harsh voice. She didn't answer. "I have to admit, I underestimated you today and you did good, but you can't go like this forever. I'm pretty sure you know that. Why don't you join us? It'll be over soon", he continued as he walked up to her. The female shook her head. A light smile formed on the male's face. "I know how you're feeling. Believe me, you'll feel even worse when you fail", Toby said. He tried to grab her hand but got pushed away. "Don't touch me. I will never join you", she hissed. The male reached into his pockets and pulled out a tiny circuit board. The control chip. His smile turned into a grin. "You knew from begin!", Mimi said angrily. He grabbed a screwdriver from one of the shelves and chuckled. "It was laying on the table. I wanted to give you one last chance. Anyways, since you're the only animatronic without, I'll just return your belonging. Now be a good girl and let me do my work. It won't hurt, I promise", Toby told her calmly. When Mimi noticed that she was cornered, she got scared. "No!", what was supposed to be a scream only came out as a whisper. "Look at the time, you should go to your stages", Flora, who had just entered the room, said. The male put away the screwdriver and went to the door. Before he left, he turned around with a big grin on his face. "I may have run out of time today but next time I'll finish the job", he stated, his voice having a threatening tone. Shortly after, Mimi was alone again. Just as she wanted to leave, she saw something shining on the floor. It were three keys on a ring. Toby must've lost them when she pushed him. The female quickly picked them up and went to her stage. She also took the paper with her. There was a bookshelf on her stage where she found a place to hide the things.

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