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"Mimi?", a familiar voice said, and the female slowly opened her eyes. Sascha and she were in the small room under the stage of Kid's Cove. Her friend sat in front of her, his head tilted to the left. She needed a few seconds to process being alive again, then she wrapped her arms around the male. "I fucked up, he's going to die! I'm a monster! I'm sorry! I'm sorry...", what started as yelling ended in a whisper. Sascha pulled her closer, trying to comfort her. The day before, just after he retrieved the control over his animatronic, Flora told him about Mimi. Then, a few seconds after cleaning crew left this day, he went to his friend. They hadn't spoken since that night and frankly, this shouldn't have been the circumstance under which they were meeting again. When the female suddenly pulled herself away from her friend, she looked shocked. "You need to switch off my animatronic! And tell Luca that I can't help him today!", she said. "I think he is intelligent enough to conclude what happened to you, isn't he?", Toby's voice coming from the entrance said. "It's heartwarming, really. You still think you can save him? You think just turning off your animatronics will help?", the male continued as he entered the small room. Mimi shook her head as she realized something. "He still got the keys so we can't get in the office, even if we wanted to!", the female stated, smiling coldly. "You mean those? Poor boy must've forgotten about them after all that stress", the other animatronic told her, pulling the ring with the keys on it out of his pocket. Mimi's eyes widened and a sadistic grin formed on Toby's face. "I told you. However, I'll let you have the twenty minutes until twelve to talk. You need to be happy about friendships while they last, right?", he said as he turned around. "Knowing you and your personality, I doubt you had any friends. I bet you didn't even have a good relationship with your family! -", the female replied angrily but got cut off by Toby. "Shut up! If you don't want me scrapping your animatronic completely, you never mention this topic again!", he told her in a threatening tone, looking over his shoulder to make eye contact with Mimi. Then he left. Sascha sighed and lifted his hand to the cut over the female's eye. "It doesn't hurt, does it?", he asked, and she shook her head. "Nope. I can't feel anything. Robot body. Well, guess that cut there was deserved after what I did. He could've fixed it, though", the female stated and chuckled. "You don't need to make jokes. It's okay", her friend responded calming. "He's going to die, isn't he?", she asked, not bothering to hide her fear anymore. "He learned what to do in the first night, I believe he'll be able to just use the same method. I remember when we met then. You had the same scared face, but you managed to survive nonetheless", Sascha explained. "If I hadn't left the office yesterday...he even tried to warn me! But stupid, curious me decided to go", the female muttered. "You thought it was the best and who knows? They could've had a backup plan. I mean, I think that I overheard something about them setting the security cams on freeze or something. He's going to be able to do this, everything will be okay", the male said. After a short break, he grabbed her hand. "The restaurant needs to close. Then everybody will be happy. Flora and Toby know their secret safe and we won't have to kill an innocent person. We need to talk to Molly after this night. As far as I know, the restaurant opens one hour later on weekends", Sascha continued. The fear in Mimi's eyes faded and got replaced by hope. "Yes, we will stop them! I'm sure Molly will help us! I'm going to end this war by winning!", Mimi said as she jumped up. Her friend stood up and smiled. "That's the spirit we're looking for. Are you better now?", he wanted to know, and the female nodded. Both climbed out of the small chamber to see the time. Molly wasn't in the room, what kind of surprised them, but they decided to not bother too much. The clock in Kid's Cove showed ten to twelve. Not much time left. The animatronics looked at each other. "We could try to lock ourselves in that room and shut off. That could be worth a try, right?", Mimi proposed with sparkling eyes, so they quickly slid back in the room. They figured it would take too much time to search for and explain to Molly what they wanted to do. After they put the small lock bar in its place, they searched for the off switches on their animatronics. After finding it a few seconds later, Mimi and Sascha sat down. "One, two, three... ", they counted, then pressed the buttons and their bodies fell to the ground. Back in the dark void where she couldn't see, hear nor do anything else than float in darkness, for the first time, Mimi felt safe and was sure of what she was doing. She felt hope growing, maybe they just gave Luca a way higher chance to survive. Even if the other two would try to get to them, at least it would be a bit harder and take away some of their time.

"They locked themselves in", Toby explained to Flora, who just came back to him after switching off the power. She handed him the keys and he put them away. "Can you please go over there, I need a bit of space?", he told her, already going back a few steps, then crashing the trapdoor that closed the room. He entered the chamber and picked up the lock bar that broke due to the pressure, putting it on a box after. The anger he felt earlier already left and he gave the two animatronics an almost fatherly look. It was for their best, they just didn't understand. 

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