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Jade's pov

We had been driving for what felt like an hour I had given up my crying and fighting a while ago seeing how it did me no good, Jason had been silent for the most part until I had tried breaking the window on the passenger side to get out, not caring about how fast the truck was moving as my fight or flight mode had kicked in, then he had told me to shut up and sit down binding my hands in front of me with a piece of dirty rope. 

Then we had both shut up and I gave up, accepting what might be my cruel fate while he just stared back at the road, silence surrounding us. I leaned my head against the window feeling little to nothing, more or so numb I could tell by the direction he was driving in that we weren't going back home we were leaving it behind, everything behind the farm, Karma and Jody.. I inhaled quietly not wanting to make a sound I didn't want to piss him off I didn't want to get hurt I clenched my eyes shut and let a few tears fall before looking down at the two rings I still held in my hand's.

I wondered who they were, or if I'd ever find out. The only person I could have asked was Karma and I'll probably never see her again. 

'you should have been paying attention..' my mind shamed me, but she was right and I had to grace her for showing up when things got bad, maybe I was crazy but she helped me feel better when I was terrified. I clutched the rings tightly in my hands pulling my head off the window and looking back out the window as my brother did. 

After a few minutes we pulled into a gas station with a bunch of police cars parked side by side, there seemed to be at least ten of them. Jason parked the truck then got out and walked over to the vehicle parked closest to us, a police officer got out and started talking to Jason, Jason started yelling at the officer before they both looked towards me for a brief moment then started talking again. I had a feeling that the officers weren't on my side but my brothers, and I couldn't help but feel saddened at the thought of truly being helpless. 

I really hoped that Karma and Jody would come looking for me, unless they would end up getting hurt by the police or Jason then I would never forgive myself, maybe it was best to accept our fate and to let whatever it is that my brothers will was to happen. I was brought out of my thoughts as Jason slammed his car door shut and started the truck, letting the officers all start driving in front of him before he began taking off as well.  

Then, he looked to me. 

"Y'know, those officers wanted to have their way with you" he said glaring at me with a straight face, my mouth fell open and Jason smirked at my reaction, "I said no, you should be happy your with me" he turned his attention back to the road, "If you don't behave, maybe I'll change my mind."

I clamped my eyes shut and shuddered turning my whole body towards the window, shutting every part of me deep inside of my brain. 

'Just go to sleep..' she echoed as I retreated, blacking out and shutting off.

Jody's pov

"Fuck!" Karma shouted while she anxiously paced around the kitchen it had been a few hours since we watched Jason rip threw the yard with his truck, Jade banging on the windows as he did, we were now sat in the kitchen trying to figure out what his next move would be. 

I blamed myself for letting this happen, if I hadn't fallen asleep on the couch, if I had just followed her up the stairs despite her wish to be alone.. if I hadn't put so much trust in her maybe we wouldn't be in the spot we were, or maybe we would have been, maybe the cops would have come into the house and taken her by force or maybe I could have been able to take off with her instead of her being alone with Jason. 

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