Bang, Bang.

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Jason's pov

I walked up to Karma's door, knocking once I reached it. I stood tall, looking up at the tall, structured, farm house in front of me.. A lot of bad things happened here.

I jumped a bit as Karma threw the door open. I looked to her, she seemed confused to see me. I perked up and threw her a smile, I received a small one in return.

"Hey Kar, its been awhile.." I said, breaking the silence. She looked me up and down before smiling a bit bigger.

"Are you coming in, or just going to stare at me?" She opened the door, inviting me in. I walked into the door way. I followed her into the kitchen, where she pointed me to a table. I sat down.

"Coffee?" She asked, I nodded my head. I could use a coffee after all that driving.

I needed to bring the situation up to her, I needed to explain it so that she was on my side. I cleared my throat.

"So.. I have a bit of a problem.." I began explaining. I heard her scoff under her breath, she turned to me while she was pouring the coffee into cups.

"And what might that problem be? I hope it isn't money prob-"

I cut her off, "Jades run away from me." I felt Karma momentarily stop what she was doing. Then she slowly walked over to me with the coffee cup. She set it down.

"Why would she do that..?"

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. Acting like I wouldn't have a clue why she would run off.

"I'm not sure.. A few days ago, she went missing. She and Jody, the boy I took in." I took a sip of my coffee. " so I went looking for her. Then, I get a call from the cops.."

I watched Karma nod her head as she listened to my story, she looked like she believed me so far.

"Turns out.. She's telling stories, saying that I beat her." I watched as Karmas eyes widened. Then came back to look me straight in the eyes. Her mouth hung open a jar.

"You should be out there looking for her then. She's young still, running off with that boy.. I told you he was bad news." She shook her head, taking her seat at the table. "Why the hell are you here and not looking?"

"Because, she's headed here." Karma cocked an eye brow.

"How are you so sure of that?"

I rolled my eyes. Why wouldn't Jade come back here? Its basically a safe haven for her.

"Well, your the only other person she knows. Thats safe that is, see, she probably thinks she can playing a little convincing game to make you believe I hurt her.."

Karma nodded, "you've got a point.. She did used to love this place too.." She look off and smiled. Probably thing of a good memory. Its good she can still feel happy here, I could only feel the negative energy it still held within the walls. I cringe at every memory I have of the stupid place. I hate it here.

"Right.." I said with arrogance. I shook my head trying to get the feeling that overwhelmed me to go away. "So, why don't I spend a night in case she turns up?"

She smiled, she seemed to like the idea. "Well, you still have a room here, don't you?"

I quickly shook my head, "No, I'll take the couch." I strenly stated. It wasn't a question, I hadn't been in my room for years. I hated the house, how do you think I felt about my own room?

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