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Karmas pov

I heaved a duffle bag filled with things we would need on our trip to whemmingsville, like first aid and my shot gun you never know what would be ahead of us or what the future held I stood back and put my hands on my hips maybe it was a bit stupid of me to put the shotgun in the back, I reached into the cargo bed of my turquoise coloured truck and pulled the bag back out unzipping it I pulled my shotgun out, I walked around to the front and placed it in the front seat of the drivers side. The truck only had one long seat connecting both the driver and passengers seats together, it made it easy access in case I needed to quickly grab the gun to use it. 

I shut the door and turned around hearing the screen door slam shut as Jody walked out with another duffle bag the strap around his shoulder, he walked up to me "You ready for this?" he asked unsure I looked at him, I was ready, it was him I was worried about I knew he was on board with us getting Jade back but what I didn't know was to what extent he was willing to go to get her back. 

"I am." I nodded, "But you should be asking yourself that question, are you ready for this?"

he sighed and looked off to the side he thought for a moment seemingly trying to find the right words I could tell he was scared and worried, but who wouldn't be if they were put in such a hostile situation it's not everyday that you fight a kidnapper. He blew out the air in his mouth then looked back over towards me.

"Honestly, I don't know. I know things will get.. violent if and when we find him but.." he trailed off, scratching the back of his head. "I don't want to have to shoot anyone, I mean what if I kill somebody?" he shook his head and looked down I pitied the kid he was so innocent and this would obviously hurt his conscious I knew if he did shoot that gun, he wouldn't be the same again. 

I scrunched my lips together and put a hand on his shoulder, I shook my head letting out a breath, "Listen kid, anyone who's shooting at you is going to try and kill you.. think of it that way."

He thought for another second staring at me in realization and he nodded understanding what we were walking into. 

"I'll shoot if I absolutely have to."  

I half smirked sadly, patting my already planted hand on his should, "I'm sorry things turned out this way.. I'm glad you have a good heart and a strong head on your shoulders." I meaningfully told him, I didn't like him when we had first met he was quiet and followed Jade around like a lost puppy I thought he was just a street rat trying to get into my little sisters pants, but now I know he just wanted to help her having no idea how to other than just sticking by her side.

I took my hand off his shoulder and turned back around opening my door and getting into the truck I stuck my hand out the window and pointed towards the other side signalling for him to get in. "Lets go," I stated then patted my hand on the outside roof of the truck.  

I saw Jody silently take a breath in through his nose before he walked around throwing his bag into the cargo bed and getting into the passenger side, slamming his door. 


I had been driving for over an hour in the direction of whemmingsville until I had finally saw the sign that we were now entering the town I sighed in relief, Jody and I looked at each other "This is it" I huffed, we were now entering the outskirts of town still surrounded by green forrest, a gas station came in to view I pulled in and parked at one of the six pumps I looked to jody after shutting the truck off "Pump the gas while I go in to pay" I told him, he nodded in compliance and exited the vehicle I did the same. 

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