Game over

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Jason's pov

I dangerously drove down the highway. My blood was boiling, I was pissed. How could he have just not come back like that? After everything I have done, he just left.

I was right to be suspicious. I had a weird feeling he had been up to something. I was right about everything all the way up to the extra miles on the car.. Why in the world would I just let him go after her like that?

I was still headed to Karma's farm, so I'd catch up with them eventually and when I did, they were both dead. Especially since I'm being forced out on this journey to the damned farm. It had been in my family since my parents, and when they passed on Karma took it. I mean she was the oldest, so it was right to go to her. I didnt even like the place. Anytime I'm around it I get flash backs of my parents dying.

I huffed and turned my radio on, I still had another hour before I got there. I should be driving with more caution in case I see one of those traders in the forest.

Maybe I could run em' down.

Jade's pov

I couldn't believe it when I heard him say he was coming with me. I would have expected him to slowly and carefully talk me into going back with him with one of his 'Jason's so great' kind of pep talks, or too drag me back unwillingly... Never would I have thought he would betray him. After all Jason's the one who took Jody off the streets.

In fact Jody's back story was kind of sad. Jason had found Jody in an allyway. At the age of sixteen Jody was all hyped up on different kinds of drugs. Things like, coke, meth, weed or anything he could've gotten his hands on. I knew on drug in particular he favored.. Heroin.

I could understand how Jody had been pushed into doing those things. It was just the same way as Jason being pushed into beating me. Losing your parents is hell. Not only was Jody's parents deceased, but he had also been separated from his siblings. Autumn and Joan. Because Jody was so young when they died, they went to a group home because Jody couldn't take them in. He couldn't even visit because he didnt know where they were.

When Jason found Jody, he looked like he was close to dying. He was a mess, he stole, and didnt give a damn about anything going on around him. He was a reckless mess. Jason took him in the day they met and forced him to become sober with hard work and labor.

To Jason, Jody was like his son.

"I don't think we should still be headed to the farm, Jade."

I snapped my head to look in his direction. We'd been walking for a while now, I wasn't about to turn back either. He looked at me and saw the confusion on my face. He sighed.

"Jason could still be headed there. What if he cuts us off? Or already got there and talked to your sister? It's like walking into a trap."

I shook my head at him. I didn't believe that he could still be headed there. Which made it the best place to go.

"Why would he still go to the farm? You came with me and for all he knows you could have tipped me off about the farm being his next stop.." I shrugged my shoulders, "which, you already did. I might add.."

Jody gave me a half smile. "I guess you've got a point there, short stuff."

I smiled at him, only I could see that he didn't seem so sure. We kept walking though. And I'm sure that an uneasy feeling was settling in the both of us.

Jody's pov

How could I have just did that? How could I have just run off without looking back? Taking off with Jade. His little sister. Is that how I'm supposed to repay him?

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