Chapter 7 - Plans

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Phineas' POV

"Before she lose hope."

What does he mean by lose hope? Huh.. I am that oblivious.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. Really, I must be frustrating him now since I've been asking question for like forever now.

"She likes you for a really long time that it hurts her so much. She assume that she hasn't have a chance at you because you were so busy with your everyday plans that you haven't noticed what's been in front of you the whole time." He sighed, he sound disappointed, why exactly?

"How do you know that?"

"She always talks to me about it. She became open to me and I comfort her and give her advice when she needs too. And she thanks me for it. There." He rushed since I guess my question earlier is not that important.

"I really messed up. She doesn't have to feel this way because of me."

"But she likes you.. So much that she can't resist her feelings for you even if it hurts her bad."

"But she doesn't have to be hurt now. I already know and I return the favor because I like.. Like her too."

"No. I'll tell you what happened earlier." Ferb said, finally summarizing what I came here in the first place. To find out why Isabella needed help.


"Isabella ran away from the ship. As in, she swam to the shore. I can't even believe it but she did. Then she went to the dock and there she cried.. Because of what she saw." I raised an eyebrow, being more curioused. What did she saw that was worth crying for. An angel like her should not cry because of what she saw that I guess was really frustrating. She looks better when smiling.

"What did she saw?"

"Katie flirting with you." The look on my face is undescribable. I don't know, I was confused. I didn't know that she was flirting with me until it was obvious that she was.

"What!? Uhmm.. That did happen but I pushed her away as soon as I figured out it wasn't a friendly approach."

"But Isabella didn't think so." Gee. She must have so me and Kate but I guess she didn't saw the whole thing. If she did then she might have found out sooner that I had a crush on her too.

"Don't worry. I have a plan." I said in a positive tone. I have a plan on how to make her finally be happy with me.


Katie's POV

"Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!" I ran away as fast as I can to find out where the other girls are at.

Minutes of looking, I managed to find them all.

"Gals! Phineas does have a crush on Isabella. We were right all along." I said to the girls, enthutiastically.

"Thanks for doing all that Kate to find out who Phineas fancy. I hope he would not feel awkward when he's with you somehow." Gretchen said, and I think I'll explain to Phineas later, I really don't want to make the atmosphere weird among us.

"It's okay. And I really hope that things will not be ruined because of what I did. Just keep this plan a secret to Isabella. I don't want her to be mad at me, even if I didn't meant anything, still." I said, eyes glued to the floor. I can't believe it myself that I did a horrible thing. Even if I don't like Phineas, I did meant to do it for a different purpose.

"Yeah. At least we finally know Phineas likes her back. Isabella is going to thank us for this. Great work girls."

"Now let's go find Isabella and tell her." I told them. This shall be good. Isabella is going to thank us later.

"Yeah." We all said, simultaneously.

We get out of the ship and searched the Danville Port. We searched and searched until we saw Phineas and Ferb.

Gee, this is it. I'll find out what will happen to Phineas and I.

"Hey Phineas. Hey Ferb. Have you seen Isabella?" I scratched the back of my neck. I feel it's going to be awkward any time now. I just know it.

"Great to see you Katie. It's great to see all of you." What? He doesn't feel awkward? Huh. It's better than this than awkward so I wouldn't question it anymore. It will be on my past now.

"Why exactly?" I asked.

"You're just in time for my plan. You are all involved on it."

"Huh? What plan?" I asked again. Plan on what?

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