Chapter 15 - Sneaky

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Phineas' POV

Another day has come. Time to built another invention. Well, the fair that we built yesterday was all gone, as usual by some unknown beam from I don't know where.

I texted my friends to just come over at noon and not in the morning because I don't feel like starting a scheme on an early mourn. And besides, it's 11:00 a.m. already and we just woke up.

Now, me and Ferb are eating are everyday usual breakfast; cereal. And he's still not talking, not like it's strange or anything but still, he should at least make a conversation. No, but instead, he's dead silent and he looks down and..sad so I decided that I will be the one to start the conversation.

"Why do you look so down in the dumps? Something bad happens?" I asked him and he noticed but he didn't answer. But he did look at me and shook his head, meaning it was a no. Still, he looks sad and I know there's something he's not telling me. His expression of his face is negative, so I know he's lying. There is something wrong. He's just isn't telling me.

"There's someone at the door. Can you please go get it for me Phineas?" I heard mom shouted from the basement.

"Sure mom." I shouted back. Then I ran through the living room where the door is at and opened it. To my surprise, it's Isabella.

"Isabella! What a pleasant surprise! But I told you to come by at noon. Why are you-" I was suppose to ask her why is she here when I specifically said to come by noon. Not that it matters but I just want to know.

"That's the thing. I thought that if I come here earlier, we can have a talk or just spent a quality time with each other." She said.

"Again? We did that yesterday, right?" I replied jokingly.

"You don't want to anymore?" She said in a pity tone while pouting and I just laughed at that.

"No of course not, silly." I replied.

"Can I come in now?" She said and I just mentally slapped myself for that. We are still here at the door and I didn't let her in. Silly me.

"Oh right, silly me."

"Hey Ferb!" She greeted Ferb, he just smiled and went back to his eating.

"What did you come here for?" I asked and I hope it involves the thing that she was hiding at her back.

"Well, actually my mom bakes some cookies and might as well share it with you." She then revealed that she had cookies!

We headed to the kitchen, where Ferb is at. We sat on a chair and started digging.

Afterwards, I just had an idea. A crazy one actually. It involves Isabella and...her lip.

"There's a crumb on your lip Izzy." I said to her. She used her thumb to wipe it off. (Even if there's no crumb.)

"No, I mean on the right side, at the top of your lip." I pointed out then she wiped that area.

"Hmm.. Still there. I have an idea." I said. Then quickly, I pecked her lips and when I looked at her she looks purely surprised.

"Hey! Your so sn-" She exclaimed.

"Sneaky? I know." I replied and chuckled. Now you know the idea I was talking about earlier. I just said that she had a crumb on her lip so that I get a chance to kiss her. Great plan Phineas.

"PDA going on. And can I have some?" Ferb suddenly spoke.

"S-Sorry Ferb and sure, of course." I said with hesitation. I lended him a cookie then I heard another knock from the door.

"There is someone at the door again. I'll go get it." I said then rushed to the living room's door and opened it.

"I told you guys to come at noon. Why are you here?" I asked when I saw Buford and Baljeet already here.

"Well, uhm.. Because I want to." Buford replied and I was kind of expecting that answer. He's Buford.

"Because I want to see what you are doing." Baljeet replied.

"Since you guys are all here, let's start our invention for today, yes?"

"What's for today?"

"I was planning to built a machine to make someone jump like rubber balls!" I exclaimed.

"That's great. Let's get started."

Then we went with our works. We did a lot of effort in this scheme and it took a lot of time building this. But noon came and we finally finished it.

"It's finished and it's already noon, surprisingly." I told them.

"Yeah. But let's give it a go." Baljeet was first to try it.

"It's not working." He said.

"Try jumping up and down." I suggested. He started doing what I said and it worked!

"Oh me next."

"Hit me with your best shot."

After everyone was "rubberized", we jumped around Danville. It was great and fun. Now we just have to jump until it lost it's bouncy effect.


Isabella's POV

"Hi guys!" I greeted the girls through the window at the place we're suppose to held our meeting in.

"Oh hey Isabella. Did you just jumped to the window?" Ginger asked.

"Yeah. Phineas make an invention that makes someone rubberized!"

"That's not even a word."

"Oh sure it is." I replied.

"So how's going on with Phineas? Is he still bothered by me being flirty towards him?" Katie asked sympathetically.

"No Katie. He was never bothered from the start."

"Good." She said.

"I should get going guys. Sorry I'm not going to make it to today's meeting." That was actually my intention of coming here. To apologize that I can't be into our meeting today.

"It's okay. We get it. It's a Phineas situation and we understand." Gretchen spoke.

"Thanks girls." I said.

Then I continued jumping elsewhere. I honestly don't know where I was going to but I just continued because I'm having too much fun.

I kind of lost track of Phineas and the others because they might have already be jumping the other side of Danville. But then again, I still jumped elsewhere just because I want to jump 'til I drop or when the beam lost its effect.

The sun is starting to set and until I even knew it, it's night already. And I seem to notice that the beam lost it's power to "rubberize" stuff so I decided to just walk home.

Then, I noticed why are there so many pharmacists in Danville? And why does it seem like they all look the same? Why do they look repulsive?

"What the-" I said to myself, shocked of what is happening. It seems like the pharmacists are kind of like zombies and if it touches someone, it will turn to a pharmacist too. That's new.

Before I even knew it, the pharmacists are surrounding me. I can't find a path to run to.

"I'm in trouble."

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