Chapter 20 - Closure

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Isabella's POV

"Let me just say..that I like you.." I started to say but I saw Phineas barged in and I think he's got the wrong idea. I'm in trouble.

"What?" Phineas asked and about to leave but before he could, I race over and I manage to hold his arm so he can't go away.

"Wait Phineas." I told him. Then before he could react or even say anything, I planted my lip and his and we shared a quick kiss. Quick but passionate at the same time. It was just about three seconds after I pulled away from the kiss. So goes my hard to get plan.

"So that kiss was.." Phineas started and he looks stunned. I just giggled to that.

"To prove that it's not what you think." I said.

"Thanks. I waited quite a long time for that."

"Eh. I waited longer." I turned my look to Ferb who was just smiling to us? I took a deep breath and said..

"Uhm.. What I'm about to say is that I like you. As a friend. I'm sorry." I said filler with pity. Because, he's being rejected for crying out loud. Who would not be sympathetic to that thought?

"That kiss was real cute." He said, while smiling.

I'm glad he finds us cute and I'm gladder on how he's dealing with this.

"So you have a crush on me aye?" I jokingly asked.

"Well, I do.. But seeing you together make me feel like I won as well." Wow. Ferb is just a man of his words.


"Uhm.. I already knew you have a crush on me but I think you fancy her more than me so.." I started to say. You know who I'm pertaining when I say her right? But Ferb seems to be completely clueless.

"What are you talking about? And who's her?" Ferb was asking so many questions that can be solved with one simple solution. A zap with the ray gun will finally make him recall things.

"I'm going to zap you with this now." I said in a monologue tone and showing him the laser gun.

"What?" He asked but I didn't answer. Instead, I zapped him with the passive laser just like what I was planning. He rubbed his head and he seems to be remembering slowly.

"I remember everything now and Phineas.. I'm super sorry. I shouldn't have yelled."

"It's okay. We'll always be bros."

"Thank you so much."

"And what are you talking about Isabella?" He asked again. Oh yeah, I haven't said to him who I was referring to. He deserves to know who she is now.

"I think you have a crush on someone more than you have a crush on me. And I kind of brought her here." I started.

"Wait a minute. You mean.." Oh! He's beginning to know who she is. Of course he'll know that. It's her other crush for heaven's sake.

Then I signaled her by moving my hands, telling her that she can come to their backyard now. I was hiding her, or she was hiding behind the fence all along but it's the time to show who she is.

"Hi. Remember me?" Vanessa asked Ferb.

"Vanessa?" Ferb is completely shocked. It's like he cannot believe that she is here.

"Wait. How did you know I have a thing for her? I haven't said a word about.."

"I know boys and their looks on girls." I told Ferb before he could even finish but still seems like he was surprised.

"Isabella is just one heck of a mystery. Same goes to her senses." Phineas said and I agree on that.

"Yeah. You'll just never know with me." I said to them.

"So.. Ferb's the name right?" Vanessa asked and he just nodded. Timid Ferb is back.

"You seems cool. And you look kinda cute." Ooh! Ooh! Vanessa told her he's cute! I could see a madly flushed face Ferb. This shall be good.

"Mind if we can get to know each other better?" Ooh! I see. Now, Ferb is asking her out.

"On a date then."

"W-When?" Ferb stuttered to say. I'm seeing he's nervous with this.

"Right now." Ferb was slightly surprised that they'll have their date right now but he nodded after. Then Ferb picked something from his pocket. That something is.. A necklace! And it looks lovely!

"Isabella. I made this earlier and I hope you accept it." He handed out and I gladly accepted it. It's a silver necklace with a heart locket on it. Similar to what Phineas gave me.

"Oh a necklace with a locket on it." I checked it out even more and the locket has..

"It has my picture and your picture in it. Thank you. It looks lovely." I said.

"Phew. This situation is so messed up." Phineas reacted and I totally agree. I'm just glad the situation didn't became as awkward as what I'm expecting.

"Yeah. And I kinda need closure." Ferb said.

He needs closure so he can finally move on. I get it. He needs a good ending so I hugged her, he hugged back and I feel his satisfaction. He deserves that and just then, I pulled away from the hug.

"Thanks for that. I'm satisfied now."

"Hope you're not jealous with that Phineas." I told him.

"Don't worry. I'm not." Phineas reassured and I'm glad he's not.

"I guess we'll go on our date now." Ferb said and waved his hands goodbye. After that, he held Vanessa's hand and went off.

I wonder how will their date turn out?

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