Chapter 11 - Confessions

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"So..." Isabella awkwardly spoke to Phineas but never made eye contact with him as she was weirded out from the situation she's into.

"Izzy. I know you have a crush on me." Phineas pointed out.

"W-When? H-How?" Isabella was surprised, shocked even. Isabella's mind is filled with questions that she can't answer but only Phineas can. If he could just confess and say it straight, she'll know.

"Ferb told me earlier. And you know, I have a crush on you too. For quite a long time now too. I your smile, your bravery, your optimistic personality and I love—you." Phineas confessed, leaving Isabella very shocked. That right there answers her question. Phineas does like her, heck love is his term for it. She was speechless at the moment. She just waited so long for this that she became numb, eyes wide open because of shock.

"And you probably hate me for being oblivious of the hints you give that I probably didn't saw, I just wanted you to know that I do like you as much as you do." Then Phineas walked closer to Isabella and he held her hand while confessing.

"I'm so sorry, super sorry that I messed up big time. On you know, the Katie thing. But I know, I hurted you more than that. It hurts you when I don't see what's always in front of my eyes, it hurts you to see that I'm always busy with my schemes to ever notice you and I know it hurts you because you assume that you have absolutely no chance at me."
Then Isabella found herself crying because he was right. Isabella became foolish because of chasing a boy while thinking that he will never her. But Phineas wiped her tears away, Isabella smiled to that and he continued to confess.

"I-I confess that I was a jerk before but I wanted to change that. I wanted to fix everything that I messed up."

"How could you-" Isabella doesn't know how will Phineas catch up to what Phineas did to her. Phineas said it himself, and those things he did are really messed up. How could he fix everything that he did that was tough for Isabella? Is there even something that could make Isabella forgive him very quickly?

"By confessing that I do like you too and I'm sorry." Isabella thought that he'll do something spectacular, like with his everyday schemes but she found herself quite disappointed and wrong.

"Is that it? Hmm.. I don't know." Isabella playfully said. Phineas could see on her face that she was playing hard to get. He definitely liked that but then again, maybe he doesn't like it either because of some other reasons.

"Please. Just a chance. I know you're waiting for this chance, this is it." He remembered Ferb saying that to him. That Isabella waited so long for this chance. Could she ever let this chance slip?

"Well, since you prepared that wonderful speech, I guess I could forgive you."

"No I didn't prepared that but thanks so much for this chance. And I know this is kind of sudden but you waited for this moment for a long time now so.. Isabella, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked so sudden. He assumes that she wouldn't hesitate to say yes because this is what she's waiting for all her life, he knows she wouldn't waste it.

"No." But Phineas was surprised that she said no, and without hesitation! Why would she ever say no?

"What?!" He blurted out.

"You haven't taken me to a real date, treat me to go to a theater or just spending quality time with me so at least not yet."

"Hard to get, aye?" Phineas turned his frown upside down when he heard that was her reason. It was fair enough for him. He does have to give more time to her because that's the thing Isabella wanted and by that, Isabella will finally say yes to him.

"Yes. Yes I am."

"But if it make you change your mind, look at the necklace I gave you." Phineas assured. He thought that Isabella might have not looked at what's inside the charm because the lock of the charm is barely noticeable for anyone's vision.

"I already looked on the heart charm."

"But look inside it." He said.

"Oh the charm opens." Isabella opened it and it says P+I. It's so amusing. And if she just saw it earlier, she also could have guessed the secret admirer earlier.

"Phineas, this is so beautiful and kind of.. Romantic."

"Does that make you my girlfriend now?" He asked again.

"Still no." She still declined. Phineas understood her since it was so sudden.

"Wait I'm going to do something kind of crazy. Don't freak out, okay?" Phineas have only one thing he wants to do right now and that is really something crazy. Isabella nodded to what Phineas said and just then Phineas leans in very quickly and sneakily pecked Isabella's cheek.

"Sneaky." Isabella joked. But she liked it and actually, her face started to blush.

After that, Phineas and Isabella just talks and laughs nonstop about nonsense stuff. Little did they know that Ferb is watching them from the house which leaves Ferb jealous.

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