Chapter 21 - Happy Ending

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Isabella's POV

"So Phin. Think the two will hit it off?" I asked, just after Ferb and Vanessa went away.

"Definitely." Phineas reassure but I'm still not sure.

"Do you think Ferb already moved on?" I asked again.


"Are you sure this will be our happy ending?" I asked another. I was just unsure.

"Happy yes. Ending no. There's more challenges to conquer, you know. But whatever challenge will come, we'll face it together."

"Ugh. My boyfriend is so corny." I joked but Phineas took it personal. It's not like that though. I don't think of it that way.

"I like that." I continued which left a relieved Phineas.

"Phew. Got me a bit worried there."

"So Phinny. I think I should be heading off now." I told him.

"Sure thing."

"Text me if you have the news between Ferb and Vanessa okay?"


"Bye now." I waved goodbye and opened the door.

"I love you." He said.

"Love you more." I replied.

I crossed the street as my house is just a clear road away from his. I entered our house and I saw my mom playing chess with Phineas' mom.

"Hey mom. Hey Mrs. Flinn-Fletcher." I greeted.

"Good morning hun."

Great! What a perfect time to tell our parents

"Uhm.. I have to tell you something." I started and I was playing with my hands while saying. I took a deep breath and told him that..

"Me and Phineas are together." I finally said and I can't quite tell their expressions. It just seem blank.


"What?!" I blurted out. They weren't at least bothered by what I just told them.

"Me and Linda are expecting that will happen for a long time." My mom stated.

"Thank you that you took it that way."


"Well, I have to go to my room now." I said.

"Okay Izza." She said then kissed my cheek lightly before I went off at my room.

Once I got there, I reached out my journal and wrote the crazy things happened today.

Dear Diary,

Today was a bit stressful. Dealing with rejecting a person that has been loyal to you is hard. So hard.. but I also have to be loyal to the boyfriend I had.

Good thing that he managed to move on that fast. And obviously since I know Vanessa was the one for her. They would definitely be a great couple.

I wrote but I stopped for a second to only reach out where I kept the necklace Phineas gave. Then I also took another look to Ferb's given necklace. I smiled at what the two charms states.

Another great thing was Ferb giving me a necklace with our picture in it. That necklace will be a sign of our friendship.


I finished writing my diary for today and took one last look at the necklaces.

Two necklaces, two heart charms, the sign of the two boys that took great care of my heart.


Phineas' POV

I was about to shower when I heard Ferb coming.

"Hey Ferb. How's the date?" I asked.

"It was great!"

"Whoa! I never saw you so lively and giddy. What's going on?" I smiled while asking. I feel this will be good news!

"She is the one."

"Wait. Hold up. Don't jump to conclusions. Give me the details first."

"We went off to get Ukrainian food. We just talked for like.. I don't know how long and I realized that we have a lot in common and we can handle a good conversation. I think we're hitting it off!" He blurted and I was slightly surprised. Never in my life that I see my brother this expressive.

"Wow. That's our longest conversation yet! And great for you."

"Thanks. I'm going upstairs. See you later bro."

"See ya!"

After that, I reached out to my flip phone and texted Isabella. She said I should so here I go.

To: Isabella

Iz! Izzy!!! Things are going great with Ferb and Vanessa. They just had the perfect date with Ukrainian food and a whole lot more.xx

I sent the message and only seconds, she replied back.

From: Isabella

Ooh!! That's great and Ukrainian food!! Yum!!

To: Isabella

Seems like you like that kind of food. Let me take you for a snack to that place.

I sent again and I feel a plan going on. I picked up some money from my "Just in Case" jar and decided to go to..

From: Isabella

Sure!! I'd love to!!

To: Isabella

Great! Pick you up ha!

I replied. I'm now at the front door of her house. I knocked on their door after.

From: Isabella


She opened the door. She's sure surprise to see me.

"Phineas! What a great surprise!"

"Ready for our date?" I asked.

"Yep." She said as I offered my hand which she accepted. And then, we walked hand in hand with a smile on my face.

-The End-

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