Free Rein, The Movie: The 12 Neighs of Christmas, Part 2

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Isobel's P. O. V:

My friends and I canter across the grassy fields and through the woods until we come upon a small wooden house surrounded by a fence.

Zoe says, now walking Raven, "This is it. It doesn't seem very jolly." We dismount and tie up the horses.

Becky suggests as we approach the gate, "Maybe it gets more jolly the further in you go?"

I say timidly, my and Jade's hands stuffed in our jumper pockets, "It's kinda creepy." I'm wearing a sleeveless pink hoodie similar to Becky's.

"Original Santa's house!" Becky gasps, pointing to the letterbox with the initials, O. S.

Zoe murmurs, "This is the place." She pushes the gate open but it gets a bit stuck. Zoe eventually gets it open and we follow her inside the front yard.

There were reindeer covered in vines and tall candy canes scattered throughout the yard.

"Oh... my... Bob!" Becky gushes.

I honestly thought Santa lived in the North Pole, not in a place like this. Unless he has a twin brother I never knew about...

I hug myself as we wander in, not liking this place at all.

"Guys! Look! A sleigh!" Becky exclaims, she runs up to the vehicle covered in vines. "Santa!"

I hiss warningly, "Becky!"

A crow caws in the distance as we step up to the door. Zoe says, "Here goes nothing."

I say nervously, "Maybe this isn't such a good idea."

Becky says, "This guy is a legend! The spirit of Christmas! I, for one, can't wait to see his jolly face again."

I say, "Yeah, well, last time I checked, Santa Clause lived in the North Pole, with tiny people that have pointy ears running around called elves, and everything was bright and colourful! This is the exact opposite! And it's freaking me out..."

Zoe, Jade and Becky glance at me before the Phillips knocks on the door. She did it again when there was no answer. When there was still no response, Zoe says to us, "He's not here."

I chime, shrugging my shoulders, "Guess we'd better go, then!"

Jade grabs onto my arm as we start to leave. Zoe says to us, "Izzy, Jade, guys! We can't just give up!"

Peeking through the window, the Sidebottom says excitedly, "Guys, he's coming! He's coming!"

The door opens and before us is a man with a large belly wearing a light long sleeved shirt, dark pants with suspenders and steel toed black boots on his feet. He has shaggy gray hair and a beard and moustache.

Holy! He really does look like Santa's twin brother!

Becky exclaims happily, "Santa!!"

"It's... Owen, actually," The old man corrects, brows furrowed.

Squinting her eyes, Becky makes air quotes as she says disbelievingly, "Sure you are... Owen!"

Owen questions wearily, "Are you carol singers?"

"Err, no," Says Zoe.

Becky suggests, "We could sing."

"I hate carol singers!" Owen snsps, glaring.

"Or not!" Becky chimes.

Owen faces the rest of us. "So? What do you want?"

Zoe explains, digging in her pocket, "I accidentally broke a decoration and I was hoping you can fix it." She hands Owen the white horse decoration.

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