∞ Chapter 4 ∞

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Just like all bestfriends we did everything together. We shopped, cried, watch movies, search for boys, you name it, we probably have already done it. She was coming over in a few hours so she can sleep over and get ready for my party tomorrow.


"Hey girl! I missed you so so much"

"I know right, I miss you too."

We hugged, walked to the fridge and found all the snacks we could, grabbed blankets and began our night. I told her everything about Cole, that she needed to know.

"Are you sure that you are ready to move on?"

"No. I'm really not but I have to one way or another right?"

"Yes but you don't need to right now."

"It's fine Bre, I just think I'm okay enough to move on and if Anthony has a problem oh well."

"Okay let's watch movies, we don't need to worry about anyone tonight."
We watched every movie starting with the classics. We fell asleep around some unknown time. I woke up to loud noises and the smell of bacon.


"Thanks just keep the yelling to a minimum, I did just wake up."

Aubrey cooked breakfast for everyone, while my mom made sandwich wraps. My sister, Camille, came down to help. Soon my other bestfriend, Sydney, came over. We wanted to leave as soon as possible , but as always you have to do a million and one things before you have fun.

~ ~ ~
YouTuber's from across the world have inspired me to film my life. That's exactly what I did. As soon as we got on the highway to go downtown, I turned on my camera and vlogged everything from us singing horribly to San Smith, to us prancing down the street to the beach.

We walk from my mom's job all the way to the beach. It was a few blocks but it seemed so short because we were having so much fun. We got to the beach picked a spot and off we were into to the land of the unknown, the water. We played every water game there was and even made some up. I look out toward the shore and see two boys walking over. I thought to myself, they are cute, wonder where they are going. I didn't have my glasses so I couldn't make out their faces. We all were getting hungry so we worked our way back to the shore. The two boys I spotted were now talking to my mom.

"oh. My. God. ANTHONY! I thought you weren't coming," I said giving him a hug.

"I said I was coming after my appointment."

"How did you get here?!"

"My dad drove us."

" Hey Jake! It's good to see you again."

"Hey, happy birthday kid."

We were in the water swimming and having an amazing time. I still  couldn't believe they came just for me. Jake and Sydney were flirting so hard. It was adorable to watch. The only bad thing is that Jake has a girlfriend. We all wanted to play volleyball so we told my mom. She told us to see how much it costs and come back. All six of us went to go see the price. We were not even give feet away when it started raining, hard. We sprinted to the pavilion to stay dry, ironic because we were already wet.

"Oh my gosh, my phone," Sydney said.

" it's okay my mom is watching it"

"No we have to go back"

" No her mom has it we can stay," Anthony says.

"No Sydney is right, we should go back and help your mom gather everything up," Aubrey said.

We decided to go back. Anthony has another thing in mind, he began to sprint back to our spot, everyone followed suit. We got back and helped my mom gather everything up. We made our way to the tunnel that went under the streets. It was shoulder to shoulder in the tunnel and everyone wasn't moving either to get dry, or let the rain let up.

Out of no where everyone started singing Michael Jackson songs. It was so  beautiful even though everyone wasn't on the same key, but that's not the point. We walked out to the corner to cross the street and go back to my mom's job. You know in movies where the car turns the corner and splashes all the water on people thats is on the corner? That is what just happened. Anthony and I got it the worst. We laughed so hard because it was like something straight out a movie.

When we were walking back Anthony and I were talking and laughing. That's what I love about him, even though we were together and aren't anymore we were still almost bestfriends and it wasn't awkward at all. Some couples when they break up it is so awkward between them they they can't even stay friends. We made it to the cast first. I went inside my mom's job to change and warm up some. Soon Camille, Sydney, and Aubrey joined me.

When we arrived at the house, the boys brought everything in and the girls changed. After we were all settled we watched YouTube videos and at chips. They sung happy birthday and Anthony thought it was cute to throw chocolate on me. We went out side and did what kids do best, have fun.

"Lets play hide and seek," Jake said.

"OMG Yes I want to play," I responded.

Everyone wanted to play. So I was the seeker. So they put a blind fold on me and spun me around. Who plays hide and seek like this? I thought to myself. I counted to 10.









And before I could say nine all I feel is ice cold water on me and I couldn't move. At the same time Anthony screamed "ALS!"

(For anyone who doesn't know ALS is a disease that weakens the muscles, therefore paralyzing the person. The ice water give who ever it happens to a small taste of what that is like, because it paralyzes you for a few seconds.)

"You all are very funny"

We all laughed and replayed the video over and over again. We had piggyback races down the street, it was so fun. For a couple of sixteen and seventeen year-olds and one thirteen year old we acted like five year olds. When it for dark we all came in the house sat in the living room and told ghost stories. Until my mom said to turn the lights on because she didn't know what we were doing.

I sat on the couch with Anthony. Jake and Sydney sat on the couch together along with Aubrey. Camille chose the floor. I put my feet on his lap and rested my head against the couch. We held a conversation, then we started watching Jake and Sydney. They were flirting a lot, me and Anthony were but not like that. Anthony pulled my present out his bag.


I have him the best hug in the world. He bought me a big bag of twix. That is my must favorite candy in the entire world. I couldn't believe he remembered, or even bothered to get me some.

Soon everyone's parents came and they left, and Camille and I were left to do the dirty work, clean up. My sixteenth party was the best one so far and now I'm thinking how will my seventeenth top this one.

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