∞Chapter 7∞

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~A month later~



"He kissed me," Zoey said as innocently as possible.

I was trying to breathe, but I just couldn't. She lied to me about it all this time. I asked her the day she went to tutor him and she told me she didn't kiss him. SHE. LIED. TO. ME.

I guess i was quiet longer than I thought I was because when i started paying attention again she was calling me over and over.

"Baby, I'm really sorry," she pleaded.

"It's okay, I guess." That was sarcasm and a lie because why in any world would this be okay. She CHEATED on me.

"Hey, uh, I'll call you later."

"Alright, sure," she said sounding sad now.

She should be because she cheated and lied. I would never do something like that to her. I love her with everything I have. I just don't understand why she would do something like that. Was it because of me? Maybe I wasn't;t giving her everything she wanted? I don't know, it's still the principle she cheated on me. I don't even know what to do anymore to be honest. Should i stay with her? Well, if i were to break up with her I would just most likely take her back so what do I do?


I woke up thinking about what Zoe told me. I am really mad about it but I'll let it go, well not let it go but not break up with her for it. I never called her back last night either, I just couldn't deal last night.

I got out the bed so I could get ready for school.

I walked in the school put my things in my locker and walked to Zoe locker. She was always talking to someone at her locker either Don, or Keisha. I hate to interrupt her conversations and she never stops them when i come over. I just feel under appreciated.

"Hey Love," she said like she didn't just tell me last night she cheated on me. I know she technically didn't because he kissed her but you never know right?


I gave her a hug and a peck. Those lips, my lips, have touched another dudes lips. I can't stop thinking about this like it was really starting to bother me. I was giving her the cold shoulder for the first half of the day.

"Hey, can I see your phone," I asked as nicely as possible. I already know this was taking it too far but I just want to see it for conformation.

"Yea, sure. Let's just switch."

We traded phones. I have absolutely nothing to hide. I have a secret vault though but i doubt she'll go through it, I don't even know if anything is in there anymore.


Cole asked me for my phone and i gave it to him, I don't think I have anything to hide..

I went through his phone and he didn't have anything really suspect to hide but one convo was bothering me. It was from a really long time ago so I said nothing.

The bell rang, Crystal and I gathered our book and left. When I walked to my locker I saw a very angry Cole standing there.

"What the hell is this?"

He showed me a screenshot from Zack and I conversation from the day we kissed. I basically said I didn't care that I had a boyfriend and that the kiss meant something to me. I know what your thinking why would you do something like that.. Well I say a lot of things but I don't always mean them.

I just stared at him, not exactly knowing what I should say to him.

"So you can't even explain yourself Zoey? I really love you, like a lot, but you act like it doesn't matter to you anymore."

"Cole, it does matter."

"You told him it doesn't."

I just looked at him. What could I possibly say to get him to change his mind or even explain myself.

"And I don't even get a sorry," he said and started to walk away.

"Cole," I say as I grab his arm to stop him, " I was about to apologize. I'm really sorry about what I said I didn't mean it I swear."

"Yea whatever."

I hate when people are mad at me. Especially Cole. It isn't the best thing.
"Baby, talk to me!"

"No, you can talk to him all you want."

"I don't want to talk to him. I want to talk to you."

"Fine. Don't talk to him anymore."


This was going to be hard..

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