∞ Chapter 9 ∞

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"I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, sir because I am not myself you see ."
~Alice in Wonderland

I was sitting on my bed just staring out the window. I started think back to my sophomore year and all the fun I had.

You know that moment where you just blank out and you just think about memories you have with people. This one memory I have with Anthony I will never forget it. We were at the park we always go to after school, that's around my Grandma's house. We were laying on the playground set just staring at the sky and talking. I stopped looking at the sky and I looked at Anthony. He wasn't the finest person but he was cute. He makes you smile when you are upset. He is just the kindest person, when he isn't upset. Then i got up and grabbed his hand so that he could get up. I walked up to a tree and looked up. Anthony climbed it in a few seconds. I am deathly afraid of heights so I just looked at him.

"Come on Zoe."

I grabbed the lowest branch and hauled myself up. I got up to the third branch and stopped. Anthony was at the top and he climbed down to meet me. He got under me and I just layed on him. We just stared at each other and didn't say anything. That was better than any time we ever spent together. Better than all the freaky moments, better than laughing and joking around.

I always think back to that memory when I'm upset. It helps to calm me faster. I love Cole, but he didn't break down my barrier yet. That's when you know you love them seriously when you let them in and you spend every waking moment think about them and what they could be doing.

I love Cole which is why I can't tell him what happened. At least that was my logic on the entire thing.


Going back to school was like forcing yourself to go to jail. The only good thing was that I got to see Cole and Crystal! I missed them. They keeped sane most of the time.

I got off the bus and walked into the school. They made this rule to keep everyone in the lunchroom until 8:15, which makes absolutely no sense.

I walked to our breakfast table. Everyone was there, Crystal, Jam, and Sydney and if course other people who are friends with them.

8:15 came around and I walked to my locker. In the middle of putting my stuff up a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"Cole," I gave him a kiss, " I missed you!"

"I missed you too baby girl."

Baby girl that was my weakness.

"What are you doing after school?"

"Nothing.. Why?"

"Alright your coming with me."

He gave me a kiss and went to his first period. Wonder what we will be doing and where we are going.

The day breezed past and next thing I know we were getting dressed to leave gym. This came entirely too fast.

We went to the auditorium. That's pretty much where everyone goes if they don't want to sit in a class. We walked up to the catacombs and sat down. He pulled me so that I could sit on his lap, I was resting my head on his shoulder. I was pretty much falling asleep on him but he started talking to me so I sat up and listened. He started staring at be and smiling.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I hated attention even if it's the one I wanted it from. I feel like I should tell him but it would ruin everything we have and I still don't think he trusts me from the last time. Matter fact, I know he doesn't trust me.

"Because your so pretty and your mine.."

"Oh," I feel like I'm blushing but I can never tell, "Thanks!"

He was still staring at me with those brown eyes that hooks many secrets, that I will probably never know.


A few weeks after that we had this big fight because of somethings that I said to this one boy and he found it I was still talking to Zack. We ended up breaking up.

I went to lunch his ex, Brittany sits next to me. I know, its weird right! She be flirting with him like everyday! In my face. But today she was suddenly interested in our relationship.

"You and Cole okay now?"

"No we broke up."

"Oh okay," I couldn't figure out what was in her voice a hint of happiness?
Oh well maybe I'm imagining it.

Cole came and sat down and he typed something in on his phone, in the notes. He showed me.

Brittany asked me to stay after school with her. At least she doesn't know we aren't together.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

I typed on his notes and told him that I told her.

"Why would you do that?!"

"I didn't know!!!"

"Oh my god!"


"Its fine."


After school came around. He went to the auditorium with Brit. It made me....jealous. Jealous. That word is so unattractive. I hate when I get like that. I walked around with Jam, Crystal, and Mimi. We went to this one science teacher who has a lot of animals in his room. We played with the bunnies for a while until Mimi and Crystal had to talk. I didn't know what they had to talk about so I just walked behind them and listened and didn't interrupt them. When I looked around we were heading to the auditorium.

That's where they are. So we sat down on the stage right outside the door where Cole was. We weren't like sitting under the door or anything. In the middle of Mimi and Crystal talking the lights in the room Coke was in went off. What the hell?! What are they doing. Mimi and Crystal noticed it too. They went to the door and listened to see if they heard anything. Their faces told me everything I needed to know. I didn't need to know anymore. The bell rang to leave and I hurried to my locker. Wow, he sure moved on quickly. Its okay because we aren't together anymore. I kept looking toward the auditorium hallway to see of they were going to come out. They didn't.

I just left and got on the bus to go home.

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