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"Good morning, Miss Jeon."

"Good morning." Mi hi smiled softly at the people of the firm as some of them waved at her.

Although it was Sunday, the editor-in-chief of the publishing house that curated most of her works had asked her to visit for a short meeting.

"Miss Jeon!" Turning just at the right, she saw the assistant editor, Jung Hoseok, beaming back at her as he bowed to her even before she could reach him.

"Mr. Jung. Good morning." Mi hi greeted making Hoseok laugh along as he greeted back with equal vigour.

"I have the meeting room set out for the meeting, why don't you come inside?" He asked, gesturing her to enter.

"We already have the investors who have come forward to help forth the movie that is being made as an adaptation of your novel." He said, his voice being the sunny annotation of the real world.

"Oh! I wasn't aware we were meeting new people..." Mi hi chuckled lowly with nervousness underline.

The door open wide and Hoseok's wide smile, Mi hi clutched on her purse along with her laptop that she had brought with her while leaving the bag in the car that she used to carry it around with.

Breaths a little stuttering, she stepped forth inside the room, her eyes lowered as she walked inside. The silhouette of a man by the floor to ceiling windows casted a shadow as well making Mi hi to look up to see that there were two more people present who had their faces towards her.

"Good morning Miss Jeon." The blonde haired man with a beautiful smile spoke.

The man who still had his back to her grunted out as if disagreeing which made the blonde one chuckle lowly.

"Please have a seat." He smiled.

"Thank you." She said before sitting down when the male who she was curious about turned just a bit so that she could outline the shape of his face.

"Where is Yoongi?" He spoke with a deep voice that made her spite tremble as she tried to hear how he sounded again but she didn't have to try when he spoke again.

"Mi hi." Her eyes snapped up and she held all the urge in her to gasp out.

She had never seen a man so handsome, maybe in her vivid imagination of how she looked at her male protagonists or villains who were epitomised as the grand markers of beauty. But this...was reality and he was so—

"Yes?" She feared that her voice trembled. Eyes like the devil had made them with a smile so subtle that it would confuse the angels of their identity. The man who stood there tall and dark, made Mi hi breath out a deep sigh as she fought her conscience to stay still and not fall over the edge.

"I hope you haven't had breakfast." He spoke making her feel the irresistible chills all over her body.

"I am afraid, I have." She said smiling at him rather sadly for doing it.

"I am sorry, I had no idea I would be meeting with you all today. Yoongi had not informed me prior. Otherwise I would have prepared well." She went on to speak making handsome male's stoic face that she was starting to think was of nonchalance to twitch a bit.

"Oh! It's no worries at all," the blonde guy waved at her dismissively, "by the way I am Jimin. Park Jimin."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Park." Mi hi bowed to him from her seat making Jimin chuckle but he nodded nonetheless.

"And this must be Mr. Kim...Seokjin?" She asked a bit uncertain but the dazzling smile to the taller male's face made her give him a toothy smile of her own.

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