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The phone call with Mi hi had spoken too much of her state of mind to him.

Upset, sad and disappointed.

And Taehyung hated that he was the source of all these ulterior emotions that she was going through. He wanted her to be laughing, in his arms as they mould their infant-like relationship into one with a strong foundation. Although it didnt seem like he was doing anything towards it right that moment as he watched Namjoon's extremely amused face as he stood their hours later with his iPad in hand.


"Miss Jeon is in Jeju-Do, sir."

"Alone?" He asked as his arms crossed on himself while his thoughts ran across seas to reason why she would travel to Jeju all of a sudden.

"No sir. Her friend Miss Lisa is with her. I got some pictures that she posted on her SNS. Madam is in it as well." He said making Taehyung to extend his hand as he placed the iPad on it letting his boss see the photos.

And there she was. Smiling like he had wanted and imagined her, as she hugged Lisa, her friend, while the two of them posed for a selfie in front of the vast sandy beaches that Jeju had. He swiped through the pictures and found just four of them with pretty ones of Mi hi included as she laughed in some and in some she was looking away towards the sunset.


Snapping his eyes away from the screen, Taehyung hummed as he watched Namjoon sporting a knowing look.

"Do you wish me to arrange for a chartered plane to Jeju within a few hours, sir?" He asked making Taehyung wonder how his secretary wasn't a living psychic.


Nodding at his answer, Namjoon turned to leave before Taehyung had added in to his request.

"Also," he said, "get me the earliest timeslot."

"Of course." Namjoon smiled.


"That was a superb dinner, wasn't it?" Lisa asked as the two of them walked along the sand as the cold breeze seized their bodies leaving them to shiver slightly.

"It was." Mi hi smiled as she looked at Lisa who came closer as she huddled her in a tight side hug.

"It's feel like this. Of course, when you are letting a person into your heart you will have expectations towards them. And of course they would sometimes let you down but that doesn't mean all hope is lost. It isn't..." she said holding her hand.

"Love isn't easy." Mi hi sighed.

"It isn't supposed to be." Lisa replied with a tiny smile making Mi hi look back in surprise but maybe it was just in her head for there was a constant question in her head that if love wasn't easy why would people fall in it? Did they like to torture themselves? She wanted to ask Lisa but then embarrassment coaxed her to not. What romantic author asked questions like 'why love'?

Because why not?

Was that the answer? Mihi didn't know for sure but she had her speculations. Maybe she had been too harsh to him on the call but right that moment all she wanted to do was cry because she was overwhelmed by the timing of him remembering her because she had been thinking of him the whole time. She didn't really trust herself to not burst into tears at his voice.

"Right..." she nodded in a haze as they reached the back gates of their villa.

"Lisa..? Do you mind if I just walk some more and come?" She asked making her friend frown a bit but begrudgingly agree to her nonetheless. Lisa had been worried when she had seen Mihi growing visibly sad over the week which had left her to know that the lack of attention from a certain Kim Taehyung had had her best friend in turmoil. Which was also the reason they had planned the trip to better their moods.

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