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Mother Jeon didn't know just how many times had she sighed when she saw her husband looking gloomy over their discussion.

"Can't my daughter stay with me for a few more years?" He even had the nerve of pouting at her.

She wondered if his office subordinates ever saw this side of him, they would never fear the fierce President Jeon like they had done for years. The same name who scared people with his cold, precarious position in the company, was whining over letting his daughter get married.

"Mi hi is a successful woman. She has everything but her own family. And for god's sake! She is twenty eight! I still can't believe that she got proposed to." She said making Father Jeon sneer.

"Well, my daughter didn't get proposed to. Her mother was the one who had the talk with the male who wants her hand." He rolled his eyes.

"Do you have something against him?" She asked, warning him with her wide doe eyes.

"I mean, he is okay...—"

"Okay? He is perfect! And he said that he wished to marry Mi hi. Who would in their right mind reject such a sweet boy?" She said, remembering how the young man had asked for her opinion over the matter.

"But I still think that Mi hi should have the final call over it." He said holding his wife close to him.

"Oh she will. I wouldn't force Mi hi into something that she doesn't want. What's meant for her would come to her naturally. I just hope god blesses our daughter." She said sighing.

"Did you tell her about the dinner?" He asked making his wife sigh again as she scowled.

"Your son! He told Mi hi even before I could talk to her." She exclaimed.

"She was upset that I had not informed her before organising the dinner but I told her that plans were made very late. Thankfully, Jungkook had convinced her when he had told her." She said making Father Jeon chuckle.

"I think Mi hi would like him too." He said making Mother Jeon giddy as she excitedly grabbed his hands.

"I think so too! Both of them would look beautiful grandchildren will be the cutest!" She cooed.

"I knew it! You are doing all of this for your grandchildren, aren't you?" He asked, smiling at her cunningly while the wife looked away but still smiled.

"What do you mean? It's not like I am getting any younger...I wish to see my grandchildren while I am still alive! I want to play with them...spend time with them. I get very lonely leave for office...Jungkook stays in his penthouse most of the time for work...and Mi hi. She has priorities too. And I cannot make her stay home all the time." She said, her face loosing in to her glum.

"I still keep dragging her with me to gatherings because I am that desperate to spend time with my daughter." She said sadly smiling at him.

"I know I am being selfish...but I don't want Mi hi to lose the chance to experience something so beautiful. I see how she gets along with everyone so well. Only if she could see how many things there are that would give her more happiness if she could look outside her scripts. The reality could be so much more beautiful."

"She will understand." Her husband patted her back, as he hugged her close to him.

"Don't worry. Our children are good at heart and are perfectly smart." He said kissing her head as they stared out the window while talking about how life had taken them to journeys that they had never thought would embark on.

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