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4 days and 18 hours.

That was how long it had been that she had seen the face of the man that she was going to be engaged to in a matter of few days. Although it sounded obnoxiously possessive and stupid to her, Mihi wished she could spend more time with Taehyung.  She had been charmed from head to toe by the antics of that gorgeous man and she wished he had not just whipped her mind like that and disappeared because he had work on hand.

She had work too maybe not as extensive like cracking deals and bringing in money for a multibillion company but she did finish the manuscript for the first three chapters of her new book and that was too much productivity for an author who was constantly distracted by vague and handsome thoughts.

She wondered what he must be upto for him to not heed a second of attention to her the entire time. She had been desperate for a glance or just a minor glimpse of him which had led her to cook lunch for him and deliver it personally every day for the past three days in the hopes of seeing him but no. All she had been seeing were the pitying eyes of his secretary who had been apologising to her for not being able to make her meet him but she would always dismiss it by saying that she understood.

"Girl. I swear to God I am going to kill myself before this silence kills me." Lisa's voice broke her reverie as she sighed looking at her.

"And enough with the sighing. This is a lot of relationship coming out of someone who seemed to be skeptical about agreeing to marry the guy initially. You are literally behaving like a wife stranded by her husband."

Because that's literally what she was feeling like.

"He hasn't called me, Lisa." She mumbled picking at her nails as she looked away, out of the window of the car as she let herself sink lower unto the seat.

"It's okay...he must be busy. Who knows he must be wanting to call you but has not been able to." She assured but I knew that wasn't the case. This was Kim Taehyung we were talking about. He could get anything with a flick of his hand. And who forgets to call the person that they are pursuing?

Maybe he did forgot about her. Or maybe he got bored? Mihi feared that the latter would be the truth because no matter how pretty she looked she knew her personality wasn't half as charming as some women. She liked comforting companies and silent walks and café dates not rich and pompous shows and galas.

"Mihi you need to stop."

"What?" She asked as she blinked back, still hazy with he premonition of her ruined relationship.

"You need to stop thinking so much. I know what kind of thoughts are flashing through that gorgeous brain of yours but honey, trust me. I have seen the way Kim Taehyung looks at you. He is completely gone for you. And I have never seen him give two shits to something before. And by that I mean like I have seen females throwing themselves at him. And the amount of women trying to ring up scandals with him but getting no where. You are what he wants."

That thought stuck to her but Mihi wanted Taehyung to approach now.


Taehyung's eyes snapped up when he saw the sullen face of his secretary who stood in front. Removing his reading glasses, he waited for Namjoon to speak but before he could, Taehyung had posed his question before.

"Are you going to just stand there or say something?" he sighed out as his eyes ached behind his glasses.

"You have been dodging calls from your mother, sir. She is very worried." He stated making Taehyung sigh for the umpteenth time.

"Why? What happened?" He asked putting his glasses down on the espresso hued table.

"She has asked for your schedule to be cleared for the weekend."

Eyebrows scrunched, he looked at Namjoon who found it better to just say it and be done with it.

"You have your engagement this weekend, sir."

And somehow that rang a lot of bells in his head as he realized with the last couple of days that he had completely forgot that he was about to be married. Work was hectic and so much at that that this had slipped his mind.

"It's in 4 days-"

"2 days. Its in 2 days, sir. You have been pre-occupied with this. We had to avert calls from family for the last three days."

"Did Mihi call?" Taehyung felt anxiety, for the first time in his life. After their brief meeting when he had gifted her a car, he had barely spoken to her. And like Namjoon said, those couple of days had been rough and speaking to anyone in the family had been a far cry. He had been a bit behind on the idea of her having that Hyundai car that looked a good five year old and Namjoon had attested that her buddy was actually six years old with a few more months in. He wanted Mihi to have the best and that had made him buy her a new sedan with the state of the art features.

"She did, sir. She actually dropped in Lunch everyday."

That screwed Taehyung up.

"And who was going to tell me that?" He responded with a frown on his face as he grabbed his hair and bit on his lips in frustration. Mihi has been visiting and all he had done was being a pretentious son of a bitch. Although he felt soft that she had taken care of him without even getting it known to him.

"You were hardly noticing food, sir. I had to beg you to have your meals on time."

The look on Namjoon's face just said how done he was with his boss.

"Well," he blinked back in surprise as he took a last look at his laptop, "I guess I don't need to work late night today. This proposal is good to go as final."

Smiling back, Namjoon nodded before verbally agreeing as he bowed to him and took his leave, leaving Taehyung to his thoughts. Grabbing his phone that he realized he had not seen for a while, he dialed up Mihi who took a while but picked his call.

"Hello? Who is this?" She spoke, her soft tone leaving goosebumps in him as he rested his head back and listened to her.

"I don't call you for a couple of days and you refuse to recognize me?" His voice was deep and the hint of amusement and relief in it was making Taehyung feel better.

"Couple of days is it?" The slight mock to her tone kind of gave away that she was upset with him.

"Mihi." He sighed closing his eyes as he took his palm and pressed it on his eyes feeling the exhaustion come over him.

"I need to see you." He added.

"Ironic coming from you." She said making him look out of the windows of his office to see that it was raining.

"You definitely don't seem like you need anything right now with how busy you are."

"What can I do to be forgiven?"

"Nothing, Taehyung. I understand you were busy with work. I will just have to get used to it. You won't apologize every time you go over a period of time without speaking to me, is it? I get it." The sadness to her tone just made him angry over himself.

"No...I-" And here he was, Kim Taehyung, a thirty year old man struggling to say sorry. Maybe it was the lack of authority over him because he was always on the end where he gave forgiveness to people.

"I am sorry. I need to go. Can we talk later?" The request although a hurtful one, made Taehyung's guilt conscious light up and ignite as he hummed back before they were already hanging up.

He kind of understood where the problem must have been. They were in the initial stages of their relationship where knowing each other was a big step and he had blatantly asked if they could meet when he had been a no show for almost a week. He needed to right his wrong and fast.

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