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"I had never imagined that sunset could look this beautiful in Korea." Mi hi sighed as she stood at the railing of barricade that stopped the cliff from being a dead end.

Her face exposed to the cool breeze that flowed freely around her figure, Mi hi held the iron rail tightly in fear of falling over because she knew she was going to get carried away by all of the beauty.

The hills dotted with greenery looked so beautiful and serene as clouds lined up like their crowns while the dusk of the sun gave the sky a colour that Mi hi wished she could capture in her memory forever.

It looked like a swirl of blues of all shades and red and orange splattered where they could. It was natural art and Mi hi couldn't help but smile up at the view. She wondered how lucky the people where who lived around there in villages so far from the hustle and bustle of the city life, where pollution made their lives hell.

It was a blessing quite literally.

"I am glad that you are loving it." Taehyung's voice from behind her made her turn to look at him as she obstructed the wind direction making it tousle her hair in the process.

"This is beautiful..." she whispered softly before looking back at the view.

"Come back here." He asked of her making Mi hi to scrunch her nose as she grinned at him before walking back to where he sat.

"You look very energetic for someone who spent three hours signing books and talking to fans." He said as he sat back with his hands crossed over his chest smiling at her subtly.

It was a thing preserved for Taehyung, she thought. How he maintained his composure and never smiled too much for his liking. How his face remained in a poker stance as if crafted with experience but his eyes sparkled even if he appeared nonchalant.

Sure he looked intimidating, but Mi hi couldn't stop herself from gawking at how good he appeared and sounded too. She wished she could record his voice discreetly once and listen to it when she would miss listening to that deep baritone.

The thought of preserving his voice as a memory made Mi hi think how much had changed in a span of a week, a few days even, how this man that she had met had managed to take over her mind completely where she thought of doing things that she had never imagined herself doing.

"What are you thinking?" He asked, noticing how she had become quiet.

Holding the warm cup of tea that Taehyung had ordered for her, Mi hi looked at the hillside mansion which was probably one of his properties.

"Nothing. Just vague thoughts." She said making him chuckle and she wished she could come with something even more funny to listen to that sound again.

"You are a mystery to me Mi hi." He said making the said woman, blush as she bit her lip before looking up at him at how he wasn't hiding what he felt.

"I could say the same about you." She said making Taehyung's smile quirk into a lopsided grin.

"Ask me what you want then." He said making Mi hi inhale a bit more of the fresh air that surrounded them.

"Then I would have to promise you back to answer your questions too." She said.

"And that's a bad thing?" He asked never denying the mutual deal.

"I don't know what you might ask of me." She said, chuckling after.

"How did you start writing books?" He asked drinking his tea in a short sip before facing her.

Mi hi sipped hers in a similar fashion as she looked at the dipping sun as she recalled why she had wanted to become an author.

"I used to put down my thoughts in a journal as a kid everyday at the end. Slowly..." she said elaborating, "I started making sense of world around me, I grew curious so I read books and learnt the art of writing and it was just so intriguing to me how I could imagine the stories that great authors wrote down so effortlessly that it made me want to write something too. And maybe someone else like me would get inspired enough to write their feelings down. Fiction or not. It doesn't really matter." She said glancing back at the man to see if she had answered his question.

But all that she saw was how he had a hold of her just by staring into her making her know that all of his attention was on her and it didn't matter if the world were to end.

"Beautiful." He uttered blinking at her as he nodded.

"What about you? How is it that you have the time to spend while you have this huge responsibility of running a business?" She said, rolling her eyes at him.

"I am the boss. I make my own schedule. And my schedule says that I need to be here with you right now." He said making Mi hi smile as she nodded.

"Right...," she said smiling in coy as she averted her eyes from his never giving up stare, "do you have siblings?"

Her question made him smile again as he nodded at her.

"I do. I have a younger sister who is married and is on her way to become a mother in a few months." He said making Mi hi gasp a little as she clasped her hands on her lap.

"Really? What's her name?"

"Neva." He said.

"Can I meet her someday?" She asked of him making his eyes soften at her permission seeking temperament.

"Of course, whenever you want." He said making Mi hi grin up at him brightly.

"Are you always so quiet?" She asked, this time making Taehyung's eyebrows rise up a bit. An expression, Mi hi considered one of the many new ones that she would see.

"I don't particularly like to chatter." He said making her laugh lightly.

"Expressing what you feel at times makes your heart lighter. Try it sometime, you will feel better." She said glancing back at the sunset, missing out in the look of pure adoration that his eyes showed for her.

"Thank you for taking me out, Taehyung." Mi hi smiled as she removed the seatbelt before taking a firm hold of her purse.

"Thank you for agreeing to come along. I had a nice time." He said smiling at her subtly like he wanted to say something more but was withholding but Mi hi had no idea how to make him say it.

"I hope I did not bore you out though. I just got so carried away with the stunning view that I forgot all about my company." She said smiling sheepishly at him.

"Really? I couldn't tell." He teased making her chuckle at him as she held onto the car door.

"I will be taking my leave now. Good night." She whispered back before turning to leave.

Shutting the door to the car, she bent down to wave at the man who gestured her to go inside first. So in she went, without giving him a second glance, afraid of how it would just show him that she wanted to see more of him.

"Bye, Mi hi." Taehyung spoke to no one as he watched her enter the house as the door got closed behind her and the guards closed the gates to the mansion with him left to ponder over the sweet little moments that he had collected with her.



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